Example sentences of "had very " in BNC.

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1 But I had very little idea of anything at the time and I did n't do very much acting .
2 The ITGWU became a member of the ITUC in 1909 , but had very distinct and separate policies to the moderate ITUC which sought to keep its links with Northern protestant workers .
3 Also , and I do n't want to go on about this , I was a lonely person in those days and I had very little else to think about .
4 Unlike Leonard , he had very little interest in the synagogue and broke from its traditions much more decisively , finding Leonard 's continuance somewhat irritating .
5 It had very few jewels in its crown .
6 Fortunately , some experience had been building up on the European continent , in Holland in particular , with DMUs which had very reliable and cost-effective engines and transmissions .
7 Their enterprise began as a wholefood store — ‘ we had very little stock but all those years ago we did manage to get organic Basmati rice ’ — with a little tearoom at the back and a Malaysian feast once a week .
8 PCBs — polychlorinated biphenyls — are very inert organic substances , which were prized because they were flexible ( being liquids ) but had very high insulating properties for electricity .
9 What history will say of his tenure of office is that he had very difficult decisions to make in awkward circumstances and while England 's international team suffered an unimaginable decline most of the 17 first-class counties , his prime concern , flourished more than might have been expected .
10 ‘ Did you know that those Yugoslavians who came into your hands had very good reasons to fear for terror ? ’
11 A 50 per cent increase in applications to a court of three judges and the overall 33 per cent in full court applications had very obvious implications for the availability of judges to hear substantive appeals .
12 We had very personal political views , but we did n't let them come through .
13 The abrupt ending of the contact , therefore , seems to have reflected the policeman 's sensitivity to the girl 's feelings and a general sympathy towards her welfare , even though beforehand he had very competently overcome her initial resistance by showing a warm and friendly disposition .
14 He had very red hair and a pale complexion with masses of freckles all over his face , he was very popular with everyone and lived for the day when he could join the Army , particularly the Camerons .
15 Furthermore their activities at the rarefied levels of Petrograd and Moscow often had very little impact , either at the time or subsequently , on the masses and on provincial life .
16 A Conservative government had emerged that the Liberty and Property Defence League could well have called its own , but as a consequence it was a government that had very little to do with Conservatism .
17 We had very little experience in clothing design at that stage , although we had run a small experiment with Habitat called Clothes Line .
18 The ANC at that time had very close links to the African Mine Workers ' Union , the largest group of whose members were Bemba , but which included members of tribes from all over Zambia , as well as from Tanganyika and Nyasaland .
19 I can quite honestly say that it is ages since I have had an evening of such delight ; and the personal interest of reading a friend 's work had very little to do with it .
20 Jack had very decided misgivings about Minto 's impulsive suggestion that Warnie should live with them .
21 I learned that my wife had been released but had very little money to live on .
22 On the face of it , she and Prince Charles had very little in common when they re-met in 1979 .
23 Their friends were either in London or around Gloucestershire , and they had very active social lives , particularly after William started kindergarten in September 1985 .
24 ( Punk had very little impact on the charts , on what sold . )
25 So I was down there watching The Yardbirds and the English bands that were starting , and one time there was this band — for some reason I was there early and watching the sound check — with this blond guy who had very long blond hair , and knee-length sort of sued , fringed , Sherwood Forest , Robin Hood-looking boots , playing a bit of sax on stage .
26 In the break before he actually started , I was standing at the mirror brushing my hair and he came up , took the brush out of my hand — I had very long , waist-length , peroxide blonde hair in those days — and he said , ‘ What are you doing after the show ? '
27 We had very few visitors , none to turn us inside out .
28 But it was a universal grant , which meant that it went equally to the millionaire 's widow and to the widow who had very little .
29 In fact , most of her energy went in talk ( on an intellectual level , mind you ) so she had very little left to use on work .
30 He had very little ability , but immense energy .
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