Example sentences of "had not " in BNC.

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1 The government had not acknowledged their arrest but the team had heard rumours of the women 's whereabouts in a military camp and in fact found them there .
2 Three years of being a member of the Campaign Team at AI had not prepared me for seeing human rights abuses first hand .
3 David listened and frankly avowed that he had not been conscious of all these grand ideas .
4 Mathematical perspective of a Renaissance sort had not been used in European medieval art , where the size of a figure often derives from the person 's importance , God the father never being small .
5 By a painter who befriends him , and who sleeps for a while with his mother , Jaromil , already self-perceived as exceptional , original , is introduced to modern art , which ‘ had not yet become the shopworn property of the bourgeois masses and retained the fascinating aura of a sect , a magical exclusivity fascinating to childhood — an age always daydreaming about the romanticism of secret societies , fraternities and tribes ’ .
6 This particular girl , a model , is putting Patrick in his place by going on about cars : ‘ Most of my friends have them on the firm , ’ she said , with the sort of lift of the old proud head that he could hardly believe had not accompanied a limiting judgment on Villiers de l'Isle Adam . ’
7 In a few hours I felt reborn and replete with new powers , washed clean and cured of a long sickness , finally ready to enter life with joy and vigour ; equally cured was suddenly the world around me , and exorcised the name and face of the woman who had gone down into the lower depths with me and had not returned .
8 The reason given was that children would not be religiously and educationally prepared for the reception of Holy Communion and Confirmation because they had not been educated at a catholic school , irrespective of their parents ' alternative provisions : in one area , parents had set up their own Sunday schools as an alternative .
9 I realized I had not been fair to myself .
10 I realized I had not properly understood my own needs .
11 I could n't believe my ears but she repeated it : I realized I had not properly understood my own needs .
12 Yet it was as though that night , in the moonlight , in the silence , as though even the work , the months of steady labour , had only been an illusion , only the dream of work , the dream of progress , and I had not even begun and never would begin , though at different moments in my life I might have had the illusion that I had begun and even , perhaps , finished .
13 as if every sentence he had ever written had not cried out to the heavens that the man had as much integrity as a rotten tree-trunk .
14 Something which had not been there three years ago now existed .
15 Perhaps I had not wanted to feel ?
16 Had not been ready to feel ? )
17 In every case , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , if we had not done what we did but something else the consequences would have been equally disastrous .
18 The Comet was listed after the damage had been done , and with the Prospect Inn it was necessary to itemise all the things that had not changed , since the superficial impression of change was predominant .
19 Mr Maclean said outbreaks of Salmonella enteriditis and reports of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy had stabilised but also recognised that the problem had not disappeared , just that interest had waned .
20 He had not been impaled , but the spike had been driven far upwards from near his throat before his body had slumped clear .
21 Out on to the stones of the terrace there fell a thick metal spike , not at all dissimilar to the blood-smeared one on which Lord Woodleigh had not fallen , out of sight for a few vital minutes from anyone looking from above .
22 Bramble was forty-five and had not been thus addressed for almost a quarter of a century .
23 He had known his mother would be on stage and her dresser Jessie in the wings waiting to help her with her quick change , and Bunty alone ; but he had not bargained for her not being dressed .
24 A few years back , I bought an old desk at an auction and , when I got it home , found that the drawers had not been emptied by its previous owner .
25 Detective Inspector Milsom said with deep feeling that this had not helped in the investigation so far .
26 The titles of my lectures had not changed since the early sixties : Bernini , Borromini , Carlo Fontana , Sculpture I and Sculpture II .
27 Clearly he had not been expecting a confrontation .
28 Also , academic life had not exactly left me well-off and it seemed like a good idea to try to earn a slightly larger salary so that I would have something to put towards my eventual retirement .
29 I worried all night , lest the listing in the local paper and in the Order of St John country handbook had not been enough .
30 The result has been a noticeable increase in the number of pilots who suddenly find themselves faced with a situation far beyond their control , usually a situation that they had not even considered at the start of the flight .
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