Example sentences of "his quite " in BNC.

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1 The Song of Roland is based , very remotely , on fact : a Breton count of that name was killed by a Basque ambush when Charlemagne was retreating after his quite unsuccessful Spanish campaign of 778 .
2 The narrator then goes on to tell of this divorcee , Brenda Goring , who arrives in their village and who latches on to his quite mouse of a wife , whom he dearly loves , fills her ears with tales of the fast life she has always led and still leads in visits to London and , worse , is always to be found in his home when he gets back exhausted from the office .
3 Everything seemed fresher , brighter , more real today , as though all his quite normal , perfectly standard surroundings had until this point been actors fumbling behind some thin stage curtain , struggling to get out , but now stood , triumphant expression frozen on face , hands spread , going " Ta-Raah ! " on the boards at last .
4 Those of us who were there to witness his quite wretched display against Dundee United in the league in those first few months , and to hear Graeme Souness 's private condemnation of it later , can only realise now the formidable character this player is blessed with .
5 What Summerchild is doing , now he has someone to do it for , is living the last dozen years of his life , which have gone by without his quite taking them in .
6 ‘ … Er — Ven , ’ she completed — and saw a hint of a smile touch his quite devastating-looking mouth , before he touched a hand to her elbow , and guided her to his drawing-room .
7 Well I know with Arnold and Antony is Arnold 's not so bad cos he uses his quite a bit er but the tendency with Antony is , when the bill comes in each month th the rental is double what the usage is most of the time .
8 And of course I do n't think he would do any good at it , his quite a quite , shy .
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