Example sentences of "they will " in BNC.

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1 Over a period of time they will all be ill .
2 They will check you , and treat you if necessary .
3 Persuade their firm to donate a hi-fi system ! , a voucher ! , bicycle ! , yacht ! etc. etc. they will receive a mention on the ticket and publicity material and obviously a warm altruistic glow .
4 They will be moved to the ‘ death house ’ into a room that is often adjacent to the electric chair where they may hear the chair being tested at regular intervals .
5 While over 2,300 people wait on death rows countrywide to see if they will die or not , we can only hope that the US comes to its senses soon .
6 When people are fleeing from fear of imprisonment , torture or death , they will use any means available to reach a safe country .
7 They will make less than he does of that part of Eliot which was a ‘ good ventriloquist ’ .
8 And they will undoubtedly object to the more unbridled formulations that enter the three fictions ; the biography of Eliot has plenty to say on the subject , too , while maintaining a comparative , and suitable , reserve .
9 Classes are led by experienced staff , usually by staff at the drama school where the course is held , and at the end of the five weeks groups will present mini-production projects to each other , on which they will be assessed , and they will usually be given a certificate for having attended the course .
10 Classes are led by experienced staff , usually by staff at the drama school where the course is held , and at the end of the five weeks groups will present mini-production projects to each other , on which they will be assessed , and they will usually be given a certificate for having attended the course .
11 One thing you can be sure of is that the panel will know the words of these characters very well ( they will probably be able to prompt you at any given moment should you ‘ dry ’ ) but each and every time the lines are spoken by a new voice they are different in their texture , humour , drama and music .
12 But if they will not , throw away that spirit ,
13 Remember , though , that badgering agents is quite useless ; if they want to come they will come , but telephoning them and overselling yourself can be just as useless as not letting them know that you 're alive and working .
14 The Irish people are defined primarily by their allegiance to the present restricted or future enlarged republic , but it is popularly understood that they will normally have the further characteristics of Gaelic Irishness .
15 But they will be there for long enough , long enough .
16 If they are looking for salvation , he wrote , they will find it .
17 But times have changed and chefs may not be able to get away with overcharging for simple dishes using relatively inexpensive ingredients for much longer … or perhaps they will .
18 On return visits , they will take advice readily and gain better knowledge of the kitchen .
19 If uncollected , they will be held on the door at the venue .
20 Will the vast sums of money which are being asked for by the Governing Bodies of Sport mean that they will price themselves out of the market or will television continue to pay as they compete for audiences ?
21 This could mean that they will become major forces driving forward the concept of sport , leisure , cultural and artistic movements during the 1990's .
22 They will also view and discuss the recently completed work of a new writer .
23 All the leaves will drop away , and should be cleared up , rather than left to rot , or they will encourage pests and diseases to build up in the greenhouse .
24 ‘ If you simply take cuttings from an apple tree they will grow vigorously but take years and years to fruit .
25 Some ornamental crab apples flower for so long that they will pollinate your fruiting apples whatever their flowering season .
26 Curiously enough , these charming blooms turn to face and follow the sun as it progresses across the sky , a phenomenon you will find frustrating if you have planted it in a north-facing border , since they will invariably turn their backs on you .
27 Some wildflower seeds need a period of cold before they will germinate .
28 They will brighten the garden , produce leaf and die down again often before other plants have come into growth .
29 They will reward care over choosing their position with a gorgeous display of early flower on plants rarely more than 4in high .
30 They will remain there for up to ten weeks , before being brought into a warm greenhouse so we can force them into flower .
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