Example sentences of "from at " in BNC.

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1 Keep well away so that you can see slopes properly and , when possible , view the field from at least two sides .
2 For a good chance of a safe landing , the ground must be seen from at least a thousand feet so that there is time to select a field and assess the wind .
3 On the home front , most Fords and Vauxhalls from at least the mid-Eighties can use unleaded .
4 Sometimes there were cries of pain , shouts of ‘ I ca n't breathe ’ , but mostly a loud and continuous din of sobbing from at least half the people in the room .
5 She 's been working flat out every day since I came ; from at least 8.30am till way past my bedtime .
6 In Uganda , the apparent impossibility of integrating localism with an effective central government , and the consequent reliance on military authority , has had tragic consequences : civil strife or open war was prevalent from at least 1971 until 1986 .
7 Many horse owners know that their horse can smell dry oats or grain , which for us have no odour , from at least several feet away .
8 And make sure that you get financial forecasts from at least two independent financial advisers . ’
9 In return , Abu Dhabi is seeking an undertaking from at least 70 p.c. of creditors with claims of more than $7 billion ( £4.1 billion ) not to pursue any legal action against the majority shareholders .
10 He played the first 11 well enough , but the putts refused to drop apart from at the eighth and 10th , where first he faced little chips .
11 Had it been accepted , the District would have been confined to only three centres in Norfolk — Norwich , Great Yarmouth and King 's Lynn and would have withdrawn from at least ten other centres at which WEA branches had existed , some from the early twenties .
12 The sample was to be obtained retrospectively : teams were asked to identify relevant cases dating from at least twelve months before the data collection point .
13 EC requirements that research projects must involve scientists from at least two different member states to qualify for Community support may be helping to avoid errors and falsification , according to Filippo Pandolfi , the Commissioner responsible for science and research .
14 At El Alamein , west of Cairo in the Western Desert of Egypt , Monty built up his Eighth Army forces in positions behind the Qattara Depression , and on the 23rd , October 1912 , he launched a massive attack on the German and Italian positions , commencing with an artillery barrage from at least one thousand guns .
15 There was a small gymnasium , squash and archery for Richard to choose from at the Club , and just down the road he could go windsurfing or waterskiing , whilst I lazed with the other guests .
16 Foods from all these groups need to be chosen on a daily basis but it helps to think of choosing from at least two of these , including the cereal or fruit and vegetable group , when selecting foods for each meal as well .
17 I must tell you that this infant has never cried at all apart from at the moment of birth when he took his first breath — and that must be accepted as an unavoidable demand for satisfaction of an impossible desire .
18 There has been a mill on or near this site from at least the early 14th century , when it belonged to the Earl of Gloucester 's Manor .
19 The mill was worked from at least 1889 to 1897 by William Wilson , but by 1914 Mrs Mary Wilson was the miller .
20 Another reason for suspecting the masked lady was Ada is that she did seem to disappear , from at least public view , about that time .
21 And equivalent results have come from at least some studies using the conditioned suppression procedure ( e.g. Baker and Mercier ( 1982b ) , who compared intervals of 1 day and 5 days ; Hall and Minor ( 1984 ) , who compared 1 day and 8 days ; but see also Crowell and Anderson ( 1972 ) ) .
22 It is suggested that samples from at least two pilot batches should be put on full formal stability test .
23 Finding myself mildly offended , and not to be denied contact , I shouted and waved from at least half a mile away .
24 Another more complete clock , believed to be by the same craftsman , that was in Wells Cathedral from at least 1392 is now in the Science Museum , London .
25 Compare costs and standards of service by getting estimates from at least two firms .
26 Get estimates and quotations in writing from at least two firms .
27 Extensive lead mining was done on Grassington Moor , north-east of this Wharfedale village , from at least as early as the Tudor period , and some remains of the industry are still to be seen , mainly dating from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries .
28 On the other hand , collagen-stimulated thromboxane production was similar to controls before CS11 apart from at the lowest collagen concentration ( 0.5 μg/ml ) when thromboxane production was in fact lower than that seen in control subjects .
29 These reports ( Pearce 1990 ; Turner 1990 ) may be taken as informed views from at least the economists in the UK social science community on the social science aspects of global environmental change .
30 Being asked to go on a committee may be something we tend to shy away from at first .
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