Example sentences of "she hold " in BNC.

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1 The central figure , St Cecilia , seems rapt in such inspiration as produced her image in the painter 's mind ; her deep , dark , eloquent eyes lifted up ; her chestnut hair flung back from her forehead — she holds an organ in her hands — her countenance , as it were , calmed by the depth of its passion and rapture , and penetrated throughout with the warm and radiant light of life .
2 Literary , second-sighted , sick , she holds out a hand to him : he clasps it , but then decides he ca n't go on .
3 She holds up the American education system as an answer to the supposed link between language and class mobility .
4 Sometimes she holds onto my arm in the street — you know , just natural , like I 'm a girl and she 's just a friend or summat .
5 A SUBDUED , tearful Mrs Winnie Mandela announced her resignation yesterday as head of the African National Congress 's social welfare department , the highest office she holds in the organisation .
6 She holds a discussion on why people might choose to undertake the dangerous journey .
7 Real concrete problems , such as the fact that Germany is the biggest trading nation in Europe , 50% more populous than France or Britain , that she holds half of the Soviet Union 's debt and has lent more money in government-guaranteed credit to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union , can not be made to disappear with words .
8 She holds her head erect , her red-gold curls like a torch burning in the grey , misty atmosphere .
9 She holds it up in different lights and tries to con its meaning .
10 He finds Miriam appealing and she holds for him the added attraction of being married and committed herself .
11 This weakness is heightened by Marlena Mackey 's overemphatic performance — she holds an expression , goggle-eyed , like a tuning fork that vibrates long after being struck .
12 whenever she holds his hand .
13 Sitting in the living room of her Gothic house in Highgate , North London , she holds up her 1991 diary and points to the entry for May 6 .
14 Therefore merely the thought of exchanging gifts with the people she holds in mutual contempt was more awful than the prospect of being without her sons on Christmas Day .
15 A woman may convince herself that if she holds on , is patient , and tries to change things , she can bring it back to life .
16 Her arms encircle him … and she holds him close
17 She holds the adventurers at bay by holding the scroll over a candle flame and threatening to destroy it .
18 As such she holds tremendous power and prestige in Ulthuan .
19 ‘ She 's got this whistle thing she holds next to the receiver and it blasts your eardrums out . ’
20 She holds her hat on her head with one hand .
21 She holds seminars on ‘ The Tao of Management ’ ( about ‘ working with the moment rather than patterns of the past , and using that to attempt predictions of the future ’ ) .
22 She holds out her flute .
23 OPHELIA has been sewing and she holds the garment .
24 She little knowing that the man she holds in her arms !
25 Ariel feels the old woman flapping feebly with her legs , and though she holds on , Sycorax slides off her back and on to the ground ; she cries to Ariel again to run , run as hard as she can , and from the ground she begins to shriek , till the guard himself cries out , and drops on one knee to take aim in the pitch dark .
26 Organisational authority refers to the scope and amount of discretion given to a person to make decisions , by virtue of the position he or she holds in the organisation .
27 Actually she lights her torch at one of the candles in the church and somebody runs her up here in a car while she holds the torch out of the window .
28 ‘ Really known , I mean … not as a daughter knows her father , however deep the affection she holds for him .
29 She holds her novel like a hymnal .
30 She hoots and is about to say something , but she holds off in front of Darius and squints at me to see what I mean .
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