Example sentences of "which will " in BNC.

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1 Among the sources she will find are critical reviews , articles , catalogues and books about New York painting of the 1940s and 1950s , which will remind her that Pollock died in 1956 .
2 Even if historians are specifically interested in form , it is likely to be the history of forms , or the development of styles which will have attracted their attention .
3 Additionally , the cataloguer will be sure to make comparisons , which will be useful to the reader , for the format is one of the few in which a generous number of illustrations can be included .
4 In the introduction or other essays there may be some writing which will not date , such as art criticism which documents the personal experience of the writer .
5 The auction catalogue can also quote from other authorities , which will be inevitable in a case where a scholar has written a catalogue raisonné , and advantageous if the context of the work is made clearer by the artist 's correspondence or other publications .
6 It is the sort of place which will always revive and rebuild , and in such a place Salim 's part is to make good , carry on .
7 It is deemed to follow from such claims that human history is ‘ a succession of interpretations ’ , a piling-up of imitations , an accumulation of metaphor which will be perceived as reality .
8 The term can be approximately twelve to thirteen weeks long , and advanced classes will in all probability do a production over that time which will be mounted and produced in the Institute 's own theatre .
9 These fees are quite distinct from the money you will need for living , travelling , buying books , etc. , which will probably account for a further £3500 to £5000 ( these figures are based on 1989/90 standards ) .
10 The next step is to prepare for the audition at a drama school and find the right kind of textual material which will allow you to show the best of yourself .
11 This is the time you have worked towards , when you will be working on the ‘ showcase ’ productions which will provide opportunities for you to be seen publicly .
12 Apart from basic agreements on the necessity for law and order for survival purposes , an issue which will be treated later in the chapter , there are a number of similarities which should be mentioned .
13 Nevertheless , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , I think that this needs saying , quite calmly and objectively , in this commentary , which will not spare me when I have done badly or in the wrong spirit or left half-done , but will not either , in a spirit of false modesty , gloss over those things in my life and work which have been a success , even , mildly , a triumph .
14 There appears to be no creative public vision which will help the survival of the pub or help ensure a healthy and varied pub stock .
15 Customs & Excise introduced the changes , which will be back-dated to 1 July , after it found hotels had been treating the supply of packed lunches to guests as zero-rated ( Caterer , 27 June–3 July ) .
16 The centre , which will also offer short courses for industry , boasts £7,000-worth of state-of-the-art , mobile equipment including a steamer , duck oven and water-cooled , four-wok burner .
17 It forms part of a £6m redevelopment programme for Fairfield Manor , which will be completed next spring .
18 A special branch of communications which is also increasingly important to the hotel and travel industry , and which will be featured at HOTECH , is the on-line hotel bookings system .
19 These commands will do the job but , if you are willing to spend some money , there are programs available which will make the whole process much easier , even automating back-ups so that your data is kept fully secure at all times .
20 Pilots ' helmets with miniature built-in video screens may not have obvious applications in hotels and restaurants , but there are several defence-led developments which do , and which will increasingly be seen around the industry .
21 All the winning dishes are to be featured in a British menu for restaurants in the Hilton group which will be available in the autumn .
22 This year the festival brings you the chance to see a wide and varied selection of the films which will be remembered as the highlights of cinema in 1991 .
23 One issue which will be debated is the ‘ ownership ’ of sports coverage and the access to clips for News Programmes .
24 There 's going to be new legislation soon which will make it dead easy for landlords to kick tenants out and I 've had enough of all this as it is . ’
25 Do n't be tempted to use up the remains of a summer lawn fertiliser , which will contain too much nitrogen .
26 Use a proprietary bulb fibre which will encourage good root growth .
27 Once the planting has been done , cover the soil with a thick mulch of crushed bark , peat or leaf mould , which will gradually break down into the soil and help to improve its texture .
28 Also eminently suitable for the smaller garden is Sorbus aucuparia ‘ Fastigiata ’ , a slow-growing form of our native rowan which will eventually reach 15ft in height .
29 There are a number of cherries which will interest the wildlife-oriented gardener .
30 It grows into a small-too-medium-sized tree which will tolerate fairly hard pruning , but can nevertheless persist in being rather unshapely .
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