Example sentences of "[be] dragged across [art] " in BNC.

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1 From the gal who swore she 'd rather be dragged across a plain by wild horses than wear lipgloss , this comes as something of a surprise .
2 Before I could gather myself properly , I found myself being dragged across the desert at more than thirty miles per hour by the wind … .
3 The examination also revealed that both women were dead before being dragged across the beach and dumped into the ocean .
4 An expensive composite construction may be very fast , easy to lug about ashore , but will it stand the knocks of inexperienced users or being dragged across the pebbles or concrete sides of a reservoir ?
5 Man awoke being dragged across the grass .
6 Rincewind thought he could hear the muffled sound of grumbling and the scrape of a stool being dragged across the floor .
7 Before Rincewind could restrain him Twoflower ran around the edge of the pit to the box , which was being dragged across the floor while its lid snapped ineffectually at the tentacle that held it .
8 , who works for Decommissioning and Waste Management at Harwell , gave a try of one of his two FlexiFoil power kites and the next thing he knew ‘ he was being dragged across the field on his bottom ! ’
9 Marlene woke to the sound of a heavy weight being dragged across the floor .
10 He says that they heard a noise similar to an axe being dragged across the floor .
11 A curfew was imposed , archers armed with loaded arbalests patrolled the streets and thick webs of chains were dragged across the entrances to the main thoroughfares .
12 The principle is that a single-wire printing head is dragged across a specially coated paper .
13 There was a clatter as the ladder was dragged across the floor .
14 The whole 10′ x 4′ x 4′ unit was dragged across the garden using ladders and chain blocks .
15 Staggering and gasping , Rincewind was dragged across the floor .
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