Example sentences of "[be] spread all over " in BNC.

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1 They 're spread all over the country , which is why I have to travel so much and why the Consulate had difficulty tracing me . ’
2 But , but , genes themselves are spread all over the perimeter , so you might well find that er genes there 's more of them
3 We 've got 37,000 members who are spread all over the country .
4 ‘ Their pictures were spread all over the news bulletins .
5 Letters to be read out were spread all over the desk , along with newspaper clippings and research notes on my two guests .
6 It was usually something quite silly and trivial , like leaving the taps running in the bath huts or over-stuffing the dustbins so that mess and litter was spread all over the ground , but sometimes someone 's carelessness resulted in the whole inadequate drainage system being completely overloaded and clogged up .
7 The love of doing good , of ministering to the sick was the honey that was spread all over her bread . ’
8 Cherry was spread all over the chaise longue , looking a little more or less natural in his crepe-de-Walthamstow gown .
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