Example sentences of "[be] answerable to parliament " in BNC.

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1 After all , constitutionally , ministers are answerable to Parliament for the conduct of their Departments .
2 Ministers may choose to delegate the carrying out of particular tasks to their subordinates , especially their permanent secretaries but , because they are answerable to Parliament , they will need to satisfy themselves that the delegated tasks are being performed satisfactorily .
3 They too are appointed by the Crown to hold office in the department , they have the same advice and assistance from departmental officials as the Secretary of State would have , and they too are answerable to Parliament .
4 Ministers are responsible to Parliament through the convention of individual ministerial responsibility which assigns to them control of their departments , for which they are answerable to Parliament .
5 If a school is under-performing , the commission , which will be answerable to Parliament , will have the powers to ensure that it is brought up to standard .
6 Local authorities will regain the right to prosecute water companies who produce sub-standard drinking water and water quality will come under the aegis of the new Food Standards Agency — an organisation which will be answerable to parliament .
7 But the Home Secretary has a wider view , and he is answerable to Parliament and public opinion .
8 He is answerable to Parliament , and to Parliament alone .
9 Departments are now obliged to review from time to time the bodies they sponsor , and have received instructions that — whatever the precise degree of independence — the minister is answerable to Parliament for whether the body is working efficiently and economically .
10 He told them that he was answerable to Parliament alone when he made decisions and that it was his duty to take into account the wider interests of the public .
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