Example sentences of "[be] scatter throughout the " in BNC.

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1 Commons are scattered throughout the county , and although rights of common are fiercely defended they are rarely exercised , and many commons are returning to woodland .
2 Similar bureaux — although far too few of them — are scattered throughout the country , and their addresses are on page 149 .
3 These are scattered throughout the country and include most of the variety of habitats in Japan .
4 Over eighty-five per cent of these are scattered throughout the country in small villages and hamlets .
5 In the constructional steel industry sites where work is available are scattered throughout the UK and , as a result , employees in the industry know that travelling around the country is a feature of employment in it .
6 Typical Polynesian huts are scattered throughout the grounds , each with its own lanai giving substantial views towards the ocean , and the complex has a choice of fine restaurants and bars for intimate meals or more lively evenings .
7 The facts on which you must build your argument are scattered throughout the statement of the problem in what the examiner thinks is flowing English , but which is sometimes anything but clear .
8 Reaction primers match sequences in the ubiquitous interspersed repetitive sequences , of which about a million copies are scattered throughout the human genome .
9 Ancient marble columns and building blocks are scattered throughout the village , providing a doorstep here , a lintel there , or perhaps a few mooring posts .
10 Unfortunately the slips are not arranged in a chronological order and documents relating to the early modern period are scattered throughout the calendar .
11 Using H-thymidine autoradiography , Deschner , Lipkin , et al have shown that in high-risk subjects , proliferating cells are not confined to the lower two thirds of the colonic crypts , as they are in normal subjects , but are scattered throughout the entire length of the gland .
12 The farmland remained but pit villages , with rows of terraced houses for the miners , were scattered throughout the region .
13 Griffith seems to have supposed that the cracks which he thought existed were scattered throughout the interior of the glass and were perhaps a consequence of a failure of the molecules inside the glass to join up completely when the glass hardened .
14 Whereas previously the exhibition sites for the participating countries were scattered throughout the city , this year the entire show will be housed in the Feshane , a nineteenth-century fez factory which the Italian architect Gae Aulenti is converting into Istanbul 's first museum of contemporary art the Nejat Eczacibasi Museum .
15 Instead of these days being taken together in the spring when the estimates were published , ‘ supply days ’ were scattered throughout the session so that the Opposition , which is allowed to choose the subjects , could always have some time available should it wish to raise some immediate aspect of government policy .
16 The underlying idea here is that every corporation , willy-nilly , acquires large amounts of information that is potentially useful in a competitive sense ; but that this information is scattered throughout the firm in its various divisions , units , departments and so on .
17 Although it is scattered throughout the idealised version , in the original version it is confined to the first half of the story .
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