Example sentences of "[verb] let's face [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But you 're , but you 're quite right you , you certainly , you certainly have the right to say look , you know , rather than signing this now er I do need some time to think I mean let's face it there 's a load of s If you turn it over on the back of the credit agree
2 No it was just it was just so you , I mean let's face it , er my father used to mend our shoes , repair our shoes , in fact I 've still got his hobbing iron now .
3 I mean let's face it
4 wherever you go wherever you go there 's gon na be all this upheaval and I mean let's face it if the Tories do n't get in this time , and pray god they do n't , Labour 's gon na completely
5 No , no not a blocked one but I mean let's face it
6 . I mean , like , okay it was n't bad I mean let's face it and I 'm not exactly flipping Dolly Parton am I ? !
7 Well it , I mean let's face it it is n't gon na be no bigger than a clock is it ?
8 and I mean let's face it you might not like it !
9 and I mean let's face it if he is still with the old grandmother , it 's , that 's a different world as well in n it ?
10 I mean let's face it it 's not realistic .
11 on this , on this particular matter , I would like to add erm on C E G traffic manager as a tem as a temporarily lease because , I mean let's face it unless we plan ahead we are going to be in a hell of a muddle , in trouble .
12 And providing all that document done let's face it it is simple providing you make sure that people er the advertiser knows what you 're what you 're looking for before you go round there then there should n't should n't be too much problem .
13 Well I know let's face it , if he , if he was really convinced of the falsity of most it he
14 Mine went up with , you know let's face it if I was doing sixty mile an hour it would be doing just over six grand .
15 But then he kept going on about how brilliant your party was gon na be and everything and I 'm sat there thinking let's face it , if I come on between you know , because like , it would have been alright cos I 'd be finished like , today or tomorrow and then it would have been like nice and ready for the party !
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