Example sentences of "accuse [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 President Mugabe aroused the students ' anger last weekend with a speech accusing them of drinking and smoking too much and misbehaving rather than studying .
2 The Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police might care to ponder why it is that juries increasingly dismiss the sworn evidence of his officers in favour of those accusing them of gross impropriety .
3 European mercenaries ruling the Comoros Islands expelled 11 foreign correspondents after seizing their notebooks , film and cassette tapes and accusing them of inciting anti-government demonstrations , said one of the reporters .
4 So when the station came clean , they had to field several angry calls accusing them of pro-Nottingham Forest bias .
5 Peter Banning ( Robin Williams ) is an American attorney turned corporate pirate , who wo n't find time for his children ( Charlie Korsmo and Amber Scott ) and sees no irony in accusing them of childishness .
6 When Israel proclaimed the committees illegal , accusing them of receiving ‘ PLO money ’ , UNLU answered :
7 After the game , Hungarian officials lodged a complaint against the Newcastle team , specifically Gallacher , accusing them of being drunk and disorderly .
8 Zilog has filed a complaint against two subsidiaries of Nippon Electric in the US , accusing them of copying its Z80 microprocessor .
9 In September of that year he wrote to Pepys , Locke and other friends accusing them of being atheists or Catholics , and of trying to embroil him with women .
10 He followed up his earlier limited charge of praemunire against selected churchmen with a similar charge against the whole of the English clergy , accusing them of exercising a spiritual jurisdiction that conflicted with their duty as his subjects .
11 Those testing to these abuses often explained that their treatment was due to the intrigues of local government officials , who were accusing them of collaboration with the Contras .
12 Even so , like a dog at the bone , The Times was driven to search out the foreign disposition of the garotters , accusing them of abandoning the traditional civility of the traditional English highway robbery : ‘ Without the old challenge and parley in use among highwaymen , your garotter knocks a man 's head against the kerbstone as the best way of getting at his pocket . ’
13 He wrote a series of letters to Pepys , Locke and other friends , accusing them of being atheists and Catholics .
14 Unless of course , you 're accusing them of rigging things ? ’
15 Now a group of about 4,000 former residents of the institutions in the 1950s and 1960s has filed a lawsuit against seven religious orders that operated a dozen orphanages or mental hospitals , accusing them of physical , sexual and psychological abuse and seeks damages of almost £1 billion .
16 Liberal writers ( including the poets Yevgeny Yevtushenko and Andrei Voznesensky ) attacked Russian nationalists in the Union 's leadership ( including Valentin Rasputin and Yuri Bondarev ) , accusing them of anti-Semitism , and threatened to resign .
17 An official media campaign criticized the leaders of the DU ( formed in May 1988 — see p. 36038 ) , accusing them of personal ambition , corruption and links with anti-Soviet emigré organizations , and of seeking the overthrow of the social system .
18 On May 30 , amid tight security , Bhutto visited Hyderabad where she blamed both the MQM and the Sindhi nationalist Jiye Sind movement for the latest upsurge in violence , accusing them of seeking a " reign of terror " in Sind .
19 Obiang on Feb. 9 rejected criticism by business managers of this decision , accusing them of neglecting the export of Equatorial Guinean goods .
20 The plenum expelled seven former MPRP politburo members from the party , accusing them of " crude violation of party discipline " .
21 Throughout July the talks became more acrimonious with the Democrats unable to agree upon a deficit reduction package amongst themselves , and the Republicans accusing them of negotiating in bad faith .
22 He then gave a press conference in which he launched a fierce attack upon the Democrats , accusing them of failing to produce any deficit reduction proposals and of playing politics with the budget issue .
23 They regarded the higher officer ranks and the armed forces Chiefs of Staff as politically motivated and corrupt , accusing them of corruption and of being traitors to military ideals such as " national dignity " .
24 The Agence France-Presse news agency had reported on March 3 that Nguyen Khac Vien , a leading intellectual and historian , had submitted an extremely critical petition to a CPV meeting in January , describing the current CPV leadership as " totally impotent " and accusing them of " plunging the country into disorder and preventing all development " .
25 The crowd reportedly threatened the lives of legislators , accusing them of " sabotaging " the government .
26 Ali Rajavi , a first secretary at the Iranian embassy in London , was ordered to leave the United Kingdom by Aug. 25 , as announced on Aug. 14 , in retaliation for the expulsion in July of Geoffrey Brammer , a UK diplomat in Tehran [ see also p. 39027 ] ; on Aug. 15 the Iranian government ordered an Indian national employed as an accountant at the UK embassy in Tehran and two UK citizens to leave the country within one week , accusing them of involvement in " illegal activities " .
27 Then , at the beginning of September , Prime Minister Giral was forced to resign by intense pressure from the Socialist and Communist Parties , whose leaders bitterly criticized what they saw as the Left Republicans ' incompetent handling of the Republican war effort , accusing them of having lost control of the situation .
28 Roger L'Estrange produced a pamphlet condemning the Whigs and Nonconformists as republicans , accusing them of wanting to " pursue their Revenge on us [ the Church of England ] " , and he asked " Whether the Clergy of the C. of E. are not concern 'd to be as diligent against Phanaticism now , as of late against Popery " .
29 It 's like — accusing them of lying .
30 But Labour councillors rebutted the Conservative group 's allegation by accusing them of not wanting to face the truth .
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