Example sentences of "rarely used " in BNC.

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1 Although rarely used , there is no reason why modified forearm blocks should n't prove effective in competition .
2 The danseuses perform some of the traditional steps such as the sideways moving pas de bourrée danced sur les pointes and the sideways cabrioie rarely used in classical ballet .
3 Technically , judicial review was available , but it was rarely used .
4 In Canada and the United States there are coroners , but they are rarely used .
5 The strict settlement method is rarely used at the present day .
6 Nevertheless , they are rarely used individually and to the exclusion of all other forms of communication , so they need to be considered all together ; each form of communication adding a little more to the message the horse is sending .
7 The final safety net , available but rarely used is a nine-month monetary support arrangement .
8 But in the United States of America court sanctions are rarely used ; there is an emphasis on personal and family support .
9 Chemical names of anionics are rarely used in commercial literature but if names are used alkyl benzene sulphate , alkyl aryl sulphonate or dodecyl benzene sulphonate ( DOBS ) will be most commonly encountered .
10 Chemical titles are rarely used .
11 Solvents are usually mixed with detergents and are rarely used alone .
12 Because of this , the system is rarely used now , but it does still exist in some older houses .
13 The most disturbing fact about business intelligence is that the information obtained is rarely used for actual decision making … .
14 This room was rarely used except by posher locals , who were very thin on the ground , or on really big occasions when people overflowed from the public bar and snug .
15 In several countries , such as West Germany and Spain , and in California , ECT is rarely used .
16 INORGANIC substances are now rarely used to treat diseases , but one platinum compound may prove to be a powerful new anti-cancer drug .
17 For this reason they are rarely used .
18 The trainers are rarely used , and I generally return with the paperwork untouched .
19 Radiators are rarely used to their greatest effect .
20 Speed humps are subject to extensive limiting criteria and have legal implications , and so are rarely used .
21 ( ii ) The ‘ 10 minute ’ rule This is a development of the method of introducing a Bill by motion now rarely used in the case of Government Bills and it is extremely rare for legislation to result from its use for Private Members ' Bill purposes .
22 Sponges ( Porifera ) , rarely used as aquarium subjects , also reproduce by releasing eggs and sperm which form free swimming pelagic larvae .
23 I have an intarsia carriage which I have rarely used because I find intarsia slow and tedious .
24 Reluctant farmers filled the winter 's potholes in with any available earth ; despite repeated demands by the justices of the peace , hardcore was rarely used .
25 As originally laid there was also a single line curve from Lower Church Street towards Sutton , but it was rarely used and removed after a few years .
26 In general , credit is very rarely used for food .
27 It is also the most expensive , the least popular and the most rarely used .
28 Cerecloth , a waxed unbleached linen — nowadays only seen as the protective sheet between the top of an altar and the fair linen — was rarely used for shrouds and is more associated with the wrapping of embalmed corpses , having been used as an adjunct to such hygienic treatment .
29 This offence is rarely used as it can only be tried on indictment .
30 Rarely used for day sailing in New England during the summer months and ‘ winterized ’ for most of the year .
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