Example sentences of "let's [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Holyoak believes that the council has been bamboozled into adopting LET's monolithic scheme which has had outline planning permission for the last year .
2 Let's right ?
3 There must be countless ways to cover a wall but let's narrow it down to the three basic choices : paint , paper or fabric .
4 Many readers of his apologetics must have been disconcerted by me fact that his chapter about conversion in Beyond Personality is entitled ‘ Let's Pretend ’ .
5 This latter piece was very much a response to Roy Hattersley 's article , ‘ Let's Pretend Politics ’ ( The Listener , 23 June 1988 ) which had totally denounced the programme 's politics as ‘ fantasy as distinct from political thought ’ .
6 First he takes the city council to task for presenting the LET scheme as a fait accompli , criticising it for ‘ accepting without question LET's objective of redevelopment in the form of 500-metre-long , inward-looking building ’ .
7 Oh well let's well
8 Let's black him , ’ Fergal suddenly announced , when they had all but drunk their way through the bottle .
9 Right let's super , now then what else needs to go in this floating one ?
10 Well let's fair on the golf
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