Example sentences of "operate under " in BNC.

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1 What is clear is that this was all one society , in which the wives — like Mrs Lowndes herself — wrote books or maintained salons , while their husbands were functionaries , some of them much in the public eye as ministers of the Crown , others — like Frederic Lowndes — no less influential and esteemed for operating under wraps , as grey eminences .
2 He had been under the erroneous impression that Europe was just one big common market , similar in size to the United States , operating under free trade concepts , and with common laws , rules and regulations .
3 ‘ It is extraordinary how many producers have no measure of the physical and financial performances of their own flocks , or those achieved by others operating under similar conditions , ’ said Mr Morgan , who operated one of three computer terminals used to give farmers visiting the show some ideas to improve efficiency and profit .
4 The head , operating under powers delegated to him by the governors , would set up criteria for the policy and appoint one of the staff to run the scheme .
5 Alongside concern about the potential for disastrous accidents there was also a debate about how safe Hinkley C would be when it was operating under ‘ normal ’ conditions .
6 Within a few years , references to Daniel disappear , and by 1814 the company was operating under the name of Jeremiah Day and Co .
7 Some schools in fact survive because parents are operating under the mistaken assumption that the school is run and organised in very much the same way as the one that they attended as a child , even more so when it 's the same school .
8 Despite the Party programme and frequent reiteration of the line , the record in practice seemed appalling — ranging from the Russian colonists , operating under the banners of Soviet power and universal freedom ; the arbitrary and cruel behaviour of raw troops operating in alien lands and in danger , far from the watching eyes of Moscow ; the role of former Tsarist officers whose instincts were for the patriotic defence of all the territories of the former empire , without concession to local nationalism ; to the contempt of the Bolshevik ultra-Left for all forms of nationalism .
9 Operating under Windows 3.0 , LabQuest utilises the extended memory capability , multi-tasking and networking features of this graphic interface system .
10 Unfortunately this has rebounded on local authorities since , operating under the principle of he who pays the piper calls the tune , Central Government has been able to impose severe restrictions on local authority spending , not only by curbing the total amount of the grant , but also by penalising local authorities who exceed targets imposed by the Central Government .
11 What is more it is on a Public Transport Category C of A and operating under an AOC , will be available this summer for advanced seaplane instruction , charter and pleasure flying , scenic tours and corporate days-out .
12 Since the firm in our example is operating under conditions of perfect competition , in which price equals marginal revenue , we can write unc where P is the price of the product .
13 It seems likely that his victims were two Hurricane IIs of ‘ C ’ Flight , 261 Squadron , which were operating under Flt.Lt .
14 Operating under its new Business Adviser Trainee Scheme , Grant Thornton now only recruits graduates suitable for grooming as partners — ‘ accounting trainees ’ are recruited from school leaver ranks .
15 The Conservative government of Edward Heath had expelled one hundred and five KGB agents in 1971 who were operating under diplomatic cover and there was reluctance to have the old situation restored .
16 Where a customer is operating under a trading name you need to know who owns the name and who is trading as that name .
17 However , operating under cover of a domestic licence does seem rather restrictive in today 's international business environment .
18 Operating under the leadership of well-known aerobatic pilot T J Brown of National Air Shows , the team will be based at Fernandina Beach , Florida .
19 Consequently , there is no evidence that this ‘ Godfatherism ’ , or as Needleman and Needleman ( 1979 : 518 ) prefer to call it , ‘ crime-coercive system ’ exists in other industries operating under other forms of competition .
20 For instance , it may be that some craft workers , particularly those working very close to the temple , were operating under temple jurisdiction and supervision , whilst others were free to work independently .
21 More fish would be caught and fewer would rot if the Soviet fishing fleet , operating under ‘ civilian ’ ministries , did not circumnavigate to perform intelligence gathering for the Soviet Navy .
22 Basingstoke-based Fibronics ( UK ) Ltd has announced SNMP support for its KNET line of TCP/IP-based mainframe connectivity hardware and software : operating under MVS , the new KNET version 5.0 will be available this month with prices starting at £21,720 ; existing users with a Fibronics service and support plan qualify for a free upgrade .
23 Sun Microsystems has a deal going with another Russian concern , this one operating under the improbable name Elvis+ : seems they 've cut some kind of technology licence and co-development pact for wireless network communications technology to be used in Sun 's nomadic computing strategy ; Elvis is apparently a privately held company run by one Alexander Galitsky , who by repute was involved in the Soviet space programme , but all should be clear when the pair go public March 16 .
24 In Jordan , 21 veterans operating under the name of Muhammad 's Army attacked security forces last year and were imprisoned by King Hussein , who later released them in a politic amnesty .
25 The German Unix house , iXos Software GmbH based in Grassbrunn near Munich , has signed up Unipress Software Inc , Edison , New Jersey , to distribute its database query tool , iXview/SQL and a new application development tool called iXBuild. iXBuild , operating under OSF 's Motif graphical user interface , allows programmers to create applications for technical and scientific markets — the toolkit can if required operate in a WYSWIG mode .
26 Operating under budgets constrained by the government 's public expenditure policies , health authorities can do little other than wait until the new financial year before they provide extra funds for hospitals .
27 The regional officers also wrote to the Chilean authorities calling for the prompt introduction of legislation which will give official licenses to the many community radio and TV stations that hitherto have been operating under severe restrictions .
28 After three years of operating under the same roof , the section of Art Basel devoted to contemporary prints will now move to a separate location and take place earlier than the main body of the fair .
29 A country which experienced volatile movements in capital flows , operating under a floating regime , would find that balance of payments equilibrium might be attained only by tolerating very wide swings in the foreign exchange value of its currency .
30 Oliver Stone , operating under a hail of criticism , was finishing a revisionist movie about the Kennedy assassination .
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