Example sentences of "except they " in BNC.

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1 The dishes he filled seemed indistinguishable to my eye from run-of-the-mill cottage pie except they were rather blacker round the edges than is normal , and they were accompanied by the garnish of a quarter of a raw tomato , two cucumber slices , a sprinkling of cress ( or maybe lawn clippings ) , and a tired , pre-chewed lettuce leaf without which no British pub meal is complete these days .
2 ‘ The dispositions of men are naturally such , that except they be restrained through fear of some coercive power , every man will distrust and dread each other . ’
3 The services can be similar to those of orthodox Christianity , except they are led by mediums , and the sermon is often replaced by a seance .
4 They are fools and liars and will tell you that everyone is entitled to his own opinion , except they will probably say ‘ his or her , ’ so that you do n't feel left out , being a young , firm , tanned and bouncy woman with a mind of fathomlessly inventive depravity , even if you do n't know it yet .
5 Except they 're hardly children any more ; the wee bastards are twenty-four , so they are .
6 Everything is the same except they have electricity and water .
7 Already old pals to a legion of live fans , it wo n't be long before they 're as big as The Levellers , except they 'll be excellent as well — catchy , bright , funny , infectious , everything The Levs are not , really .
8 They got the lot … except they sound like Edwyn Collins crooning along to MBV with his face pushed up hard against a plate glass window .
9 They were the Bay City Rollers meets The Hammer Of The Gods — except they did n't dress crap and they had good hair .
10 Except they were n't .
11 They 're the same tails as this lot except they 're up the other way .
12 Even Trevor said grudgingly : ‘ It was n't too bad , except they did n't give us balloons . ’
13 ‘ Nothing , except they made a bit of a stir ; their disappearance did .
14 ‘ I should have liked to be a nun , except they would n't have let me smoke and I could n't live without cigarettes .
15 ‘ It 's exactly like a Jewish wedding , ’ says Jack , ‘ except they 've forgotten to invite Uncle Hymie and Auntie Rae , the ones who never made it . ’
16 You 'd probably find you did n't care about anything except they put rancid butter in your tea …
17 I mean , they 're real words except they 're not the right ones .
18 ‘ No , nothing much has happened , except they 've bombed Tel Aviv ’ .
19 Except they use treble and bass
20 In essence these are stand-alone management procedures except they are printed on pink paper .
21 The ventral interradial areas are covered with plates similar to those of the dorsal surface except they tend to be smaller , many also carry rugose spinelets .
22 He takes their belongings , their horses , then tips their naked corpses into a marsh , except they do n't sink properly . ’
23 And I think behind him had been one of the older woodchucks and João the electrician , except they 'd made themselves scarce commodities .
24 Fabulous — and their feet alone were a poem ( English women dress well except they wo n't spend on their feet , says Murray ) .
25 May no lines pass , except they do their duty
26 ‘ It 's that Midwestern winter as does it ; I was there in February once I nearly turned up my toes then except they 'd have snapped off … still it 's nice to have a banker dying early . ’
27 Except they do n't realise they are hooked . ’
28 EXCEPT they wo n't .
29 Well I mean I , I , when I joined in forty nine the , the fire uniform was n't all that much different except they had black helmets instead of yellow , and , and they had rubber boots and they did n't have the leggings we have , and so on now , but the walking-out uniform was the old army battledress died blue , that 's all it was .
30 Except they 've all had something .
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