Example sentences of "proposal for " in BNC.

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1 All the same , museum curators will have carried out a critical task in selecting the exhibition , in some instances having fended off proposals for inclusions with a political or a particular cultural bias .
2 The draft proposals for the FSC are open to further discussions and suggestions of aims and objectives are welcomed through the pages of Woodworker .
3 The Audit Commission 's response to Government proposals for the council tax focuses mainly on administrative implications .
4 Graff 's proposals for a structured pluralism are admirable in theory , but in practice they would , I fear , merely increase the demoralization of students and teachers .
5 Proposals for the development of a Taurus system have been under consideration for much of this decade .
6 The proposals for student fees hold especially worrying implications for the training of doctors in the UK .
7 Proposals for economic and monetary union are just another phase of the journey .
8 Lord Donaldson then attacked Lord Mackay 's White Paper proposals for banks and building societies to undertake conveyancing .
9 Britain has been muttering that if it perceives a ‘ consensus for democracy ’ in Hong Kong , it will start ‘ talking tough ’ to Peking at a diplomatic level , and perhaps even adopt the Legislative Council proposals for 1995 in the teeth of Chinese opposition and without regard to ‘ convergence ’ with the Basic Law .
10 Within months of the signing ceremony , China was objecting vigorously to British proposals for introducing a meaningful degree of democracy to Hong Kong 's political structure .
11 PROPOSALS for a £100m , privately financed dual carriageway linking the M8 and M74 motorways in Scotland were unveiled yesterday by the Government .
12 It accepted the policy review proposals for an open-ended programme of diminishing Britain 's reliance on nuclear energy despite demands led by Arthur Scargill , the National Union of Mineworkers ' president , for a commitment to complete the process within 15 years .
13 Both Norman Foster , architect of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank headquarters , and Terry Farrell , designer of the new-look Charing Cross station complex , developed highly intelligent proposals for the reconstruction of Hammersmith Broadway .
14 Current proposals for Birmingham envisage that the centre of the city be privately owned , closed at night if necessary , and guarded by private security .
15 The threat came from proposals for a barrage across the lough 's narrows to generate electricity from the tide 's ebb and flow .
16 Proposals for minimum wage regulations also came under attack .
17 However , Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment , said the proposals for passing unforeseen costs on to consumers were well-known and accused Dr Cunningham of whipping up unjustified concern .
18 SIR GEOFFREY LITTLER , a former Treasury official and currently a director of NatWest Investment Bank , has been asked by the International Stock Exchange to head a committee which will develop proposals for a clearing house in securities .
19 The two sides agreed to hold a further meeting soon which is expected to produce firm proposals for resolving some of the Irish concerns on security .
20 THE GOVERNMENT 'S advisers on scientific research have rejected proposals for a £50m national clinical research centre , which medical experts say is needed urgently .
21 The Advisory Board for the Research Councils acknowledged the need for a boost to clinical research , but rejected the Medical Research Council 's proposals for a new centre linking basic laboratory research to clinical research in a hospital setting and postgraduate education .
22 Demands for the NEC to draw up proposals for widening the party franchise were led by John Edmonds , general secretary of the GMB .
23 THE LAW COMMISSION 's report on computer hacking is to be published on Tuesday , two months earlier than planned and in time to allow ministers to put proposals for legislation into the Queen 's Speech , should they so wish , writes Mary Fagan .
24 Last week , Andrew Hugh Smith , chairman of the Exchange , announced the appointment of Sir Geoffrey Littler as head of the Clearing House Formation Committee , which is charged with developing the proposals for the new settlement system .
25 Their advice follows a decision by John MacGregor , Secretary of State for Education , to delay proposals for a national appraisal scheme , run by local authorities under strict guidelines .
26 The report called Help with Hostel Charges , Proposals for Change cited the PSI study and stated : ‘ Many hostels provided little or no care to their residents .
27 In an attempt to overcome a two-year-old impasse over European Commission proposals for an alignment of national rates of Value Added Tax ( VAT ) and Excise rates by 1993 , the ministers agreed to abandon key provisions for revising VAT collection arrangements .
28 He rejected proposals for an all-party government , leaving his opponents on left and right to join forces in the house-cleaning needed after Pasok 's rule .
29 At another fringe-meeting , Rowan ‘ Blackadder ’ Atkinson led a measured onslaught against the Government 's proposals for the future of broadcasting .
30 The directive — which is quite separate from the proposals for vetting large takeovers from the point of view of competition — is in itself uncontroversial .
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