Example sentences of "wonder [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Roman catholic hierarchy declared that they had no opposition to this particular change , but one wonders how the vote would have gone if they had .
2 One wonders how often our players play in tournaments for if one looks at the tennis results in the daily newspapers one seldom sees the letters G.B. behind the player 's name , and if we do , seldom does it appear past the first round .
3 Nick Gibbs reviews the exhibition and competitions , and wonders how such masterpieces are achieved on wood
4 One wonders how much longer this reasoning will hold water , as a steadily growing proportion of British legislation begins life in Brussels or Strasbourg .
5 Finally , reflect , if you will , on how drastically humanity has changed the biosphere during its brief strut on the terrestrial stage ; one wonders how much of today 's microbial world we have ourselves created .
6 One wonders how successful this was bearing in mind that residues are used there to feed livestock , as fuel to cook food , and to construct roofs for houses .
7 One wonders how the scene compared with that in Domagk 's laboratory several years earlier , when the mice treated with Prontosil were alive and the controls had all died ( see Chapter 8 ) .
8 One wonders how many other Steven Morrisseys there are still sitting in their bedrooms .
9 I suppose English critics will always work on the old lines , and try to get behind the book to quiz the author … instead of seeing that he is almost irresponsible , that it is the result of haphazard circumstances , and that the writer rubs his eyes and wonders how this and that got into his pages as much as the reviewer does .
10 One wonders how many firms believe this requirement has actually operated , for no urban initiative has ever been the subject of so much formal and informal evaluation .
11 As we saw earlier , the technology of the time certainly could not have coped with a live street recording , so one wonders how the company got away with that .
12 In retrospect , one often wonders how they thought they could possibly succeed .
13 The young reader wonders how one human being could invent such an interesting story , and write it all in words that are so easily read .
14 Examining so intricate a nest one wonders how such a thing could be possible .
15 To this day , he wonders how she made out .
16 He also wonders how to open Gabriel 's locket and where to find the 101 Detective stories .
17 Selleck 's character wonders how to clear his name in An Innocent Man
18 One wonders how long this shape will persist in the face of rapid changes that have revolutionised the Paragliding and Parapenting sports .
19 One wonders how close the cost of Edward 's internment was to the £15 3s. 4½d. paid to Hugh Brice in 1471 for the cerecloth and spices used to embalm his predecessor , Henry VI .
20 He wonders how he got it .
21 Scotland ‘ A ’ are also supposed to be meeting Italy on Saturday , 19th December 1992 , in Aberdeen , but one wonders how the Italians will be expected to approach this fixture .
22 One wonders how he 'll talk his way out of this one .
23 Literature sometimes gets ahead of life , but with realistic fiction one wonders how it can .
24 Along with other footballers , as I mentioned earlier , he felt a kind of mild predestination , believing himself to be a footballer even while at school ; though one wonders how many others who thought themselves predestined are now in factories or on milk rounds .
25 As we have already discussed , the ancestry of the rose is extremely wide and complicated , and although extraordinary genealogical detective work has been carried out into many family trees , one wonders how it is possible to be sure of the right direction when travelling through the mists and fogs of time , especially during the period before copyright was extended to plants , when secrecy was a safeguard against competition .
26 Dimples mischievously collide with each other at odd places around his face as he glances at me and wonders how on earth I could ask a question that is so dumb and yet so fundamental .
27 One wonders how he would have versified this set up .
28 Not that Paracelsus always found the right ones : One wonders how many unfortunates owed their demise to his prescription of mercury to clarify the spleen .
29 The petite marmite , the pot au feu , the croûte au pot were made with rich beef , veal and chicken stock ; the fillets of sole were invariably cooked with truffles and cream or with mushrooms and lobster sauce , with artichoke hearts or with white wine and grapes ; noisettes d'agneau , from the finest baby lamb , made such frequent appearances on the menu that one wonders how any sheep has survived ; the chicken was stuffed with a mousse de foie gras ; the little birds which followed — quail , ortolan or snipe — were again presented with truffles ; asparagus , in and out of season , were always accompanied by hollandaise sauce ; and the bombe glacée , indispensable , it seems , to a good dinner , was the signal for all the display of which the confectionery chef was capable .
30 Again , however , one wonders how far this was mere rhetoric in the original or mere gesture in the repetition ; although it may have some influence on the ‘ mission statements ’ that some institutions are now struggling to formulate .
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