Example sentences of "nor [art] " in BNC.

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1 As advertisers see it , the Times is neither one thing nor t' other .
2 Uganda is a developing country with neither the wealth nor the health service infrastructure to cope with the problem adequately .
3 Matisse and all the others saw the twentieth century with their eyes but they saw the reality of the nineteenth century , Picasso was the only one in painting who saw the twentieth century with his eyes and saw its reality and consequently his struggle was terrifying , terrifying for himself and for the others , because he had nothing to help him , the past did not help him , nor the present , he had to do it all alone and , in spite of much strength he is often very weak , he consoled himself and allowed himself to be seduced by other things which led him more or less astray .
4 Nor the councils .
5 Neither the airing cupboard nor the garden shed in winter are satisfactory .
6 Nor the complexion , ’ she said .
7 Part of the trouble with Harwich is it 's neither one thing nor the other . ’
8 ‘ Fred was here ’ , ‘ Mandy loves Greg ’ , ‘ Joey sucks ’ were inane , but neither the grammar nor the spelling could be faulted .
9 No one had mentioned how fast the trains were going : nor the precise time of impact , not down to the minute .
10 Michael did not visit the next day , nor the day after .
11 Thank goodness neither Keininger nor The Londsdale Clock Co. of Swaffham , their agents , were guilty of the luxury of being rude to their customer .
12 It is not merely the gracious bow they give each other before they begin , nor the even more gracious one when she submits to the prince , sinking to the ground with head bent low .
13 Nor the monumental effigies of Mausolus ,
14 Given the dispersed profusion of Pound 's criticism , neither the choice of what to reprint , nor the arrangement of it when chosen , can have been easy .
15 As the warrior Solor he possessed neither the exotic glamour of Ruzimatov nor the romantic height of Cope — and a dispassionate viewer would admit that his turban gave him an unfortunately gnome-like appearance .
16 We have neither the resources nor the finance to launch a campaign to promote any particular aspect .
17 Peking officials now seek to excuse the June atrocities by claiming — all too credibly — that they had neither the resources nor the expertise to cope with the escalating civil disorder culminating in the Tiananmen Square assault .
18 No one wants chaos in East Germany — not the West Germans , nor the internal opposition , nor the Russians .
19 No one wants chaos in East Germany — not the West Germans , nor the internal opposition , nor the Russians .
20 Our Prime Minister believes neither in the desirability nor the possibility of creating a compassionate society .
21 Neither Mr Tallon nor the families of the crash victims claim to know what occurred .
22 Neither the very big and important financial futures business , which accounts for about 155 of the AFBD 's 400 members , nor the equally important oil market , is represented by the nine elected council members .
23 Judged on the facts , rather than the political rhetoric of both left and right , the present Government deserves neither the undying praise of the supporters of laissez-faire nor the unremitting invective of collectivists .
24 The motion has been tabled by the Gaullist Rassemblement pour la Republique ( RPR ) , but neither the liberal Union pour la Democratie Francaise ( UDF ) nor the centrist Union Democratique du Centre ( UDC ) will support them .
25 This is not the fallacy ( although some allege it to be so ) of Nigel Lawson 's exchange rate policy , nor the fallacy ( which others allege ) of the money supply policy which Mrs Thatcher would prefer , but the fallacy of supposing government can be conducted successfully on the basis of ambiguous vacillation .
26 While the Polish church has always been a vital element in the Poles ' national identity , neither the Protestant nor the Catholic churches in Germany — much less East Germany — have ever had this function .
27 LORD JUSTICE RALPH GIBSON said that neither the plaintiff nor the defendant applied to the court at any time before judgment for an order under Order 5 , rule 5(2) appointing the defendant to represent all or any of the members of the management committee .
28 Early reports suggested that a note was found in Gryschenko 's pocket , though neither the police nor the Soviet Embassy in Montevideo would comment .
29 Informed sources say neither the more realistically-minded East German leaders nor the Russians believe that any sensible changes can be brought about so long as Mr Honecker , 77 , whose attitudes have become particularly rigid in recent months , is at the helm .
30 Neither Mr Barnes nor the UK 's Director of Public Prosecutions , Allan Green QC , would confirm or deny the claims .
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