Example sentences of "closer to " in BNC.

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1 Face crushed face , but even the humiliated ones , the ones pushed away , the third-raters and the defeated ones , even those — from a certain distance imposed by the law of hierarchy , it 's true — still moved toward the front , showing here and there from behind the first-rate , titled ones , if only as fragments : an ear , a piece of temple , a cheek or a jaw … just to be closer to the Emperor 's eye !
2 Kelman stands much closer to the new hero , and more is made of what happens in that hero 's head .
3 His romantic idea that gangsters closer to reality than the rest of us .
4 It 's less technical , closer to the soil and to traditions . ’
5 Now that modern gliders are so much heavier and have their wings closer to the ground , it is fairly usual for private owners to park 90° out of wind with the into-wind wing up .
6 Even this only becomes valuable when you are below 1000 feet , by which time , of course , you will have moved closer to the gliding site or nearer to a suitable field if you are flying across country .
7 This causes the contestant to try and get even closer to the opponent 's face with subsequent jabs , in order to pick up that elusive score .
8 I favour a long-reaching front guard because it has less distance to travel before it strikes the opponent , and it is able to intercept attacks closer to source .
9 By the end of it all the mind-body problem will loom large — but this may be because we are now a little closer to it .
10 Their pin chucks fit directly on to the headstock spindle , bringing the work closer to the bearings so putting less strain on them .
11 BR indeed continued to change the country 's very geography , Gatwick suddenly becoming much closer to London with its Express every fifteen minutes , places like Peterborough and Swindon now almost as accessible as suburbs only fifteen miles away from Piccadilly .
12 The sharpened exhibitionism of Stavrogin 's wanting everybody to look at him will not have helped Dostoevsky with Katkov , but it does mark a step away from Crime and Punishment and closer to Notes from Underground .
13 First , it drives Stavrogin even closer to Svidrigailov than I have suggested so far .
14 Doubling in Dostoevsky , which goes back to the very beginning , to Mr Devushkin living and not living in the kitchen , which has its post-Siberian developments in the underground man 's now-you-see-me-now-you-don't ‘ flashing ’ of his consciousness , in Raskolnikov 's and Svidrigailov 's different ways of being among but not with us and Porfiry 's torture tune of ‘ There 's nothing here , precisely nothing , perhaps absolutely nothing ’ — doubling takes on a new form in The Possessed , closer to the I/We/They/Everybody/Nobody shifts of The House of the Dead than anything else before it or to come .
15 In the latter case , it will meanwhile have the effect of turning literary study into something much closer to the sociology that Marxists have colonized in the modern academy .
16 Conversely , poetry is in many ways closer to music than to the more extended and discursive literary forms .
17 Once established , ‘ Cultural Studies ’ might show structural affinities with Social Studies and move closer to that area .
18 The exhibition indicates that Tillyer 's work has been moving away from Hitchens and closer to American landscape-abstractionists , notably Helen Frankenthaler .
19 Markofdistinction ( 3.50 ) , who got even closer to Nashwan when fourth in the 2,000 Guineas , was beaten at Doncaster by what is probably an outstanding horse in Nashwan 's stable companion Gold Seam and should find compensation in the Supreme Stakes .
20 Three papers published recently in Science move us a little closer to understanding the basis of the disease , which turns out to be highly complex .
21 Take education : it has made gigantic strides against bitter opposition to reform the system , to raise standards , to monitor the results and to draw industry closer to the academic and the educational world . ’
22 The landscape seems to belong to some bare planet closer to the sun than earth , and the passions of its people match that glaring heat .
23 TVMM will have just under 8 per cent and Charles Romaine , the sales director of HTV , said TVMM would be willing to take on any other groups to bring that total closer to 25 per cent .
24 The Conservative Conference : Tories closer to standing in Ulster
25 The Soviet Union edged closer to this when its delegate at the international human rights conference in Paris this summer said of Wallenberg : ‘ His fate , like that of thousands of others , is unknown , as are the circumstances surrounding it …
26 Today , closer to Clapton ( geographically ) than he 's been in a long while , Anthony Newley is relishing the chance to prove he 's still up to a tough dramatic performance eight shows a week and , to follow , he has plans for a musicalised Richard III .
27 General Galtieri 's release underlines the fact that the Argentine armed forces may have learned nothing and forgotten nothing , but , by dint of constant pressure on Argentina 's elected leaders , they have moved closer to their goal of rewriting history with themselves in the role of hero .
28 If anything , fashion is moving closer to the context of his style with the passage of time .
29 Luca Cumani 's promising colt , Montendre ( next best 3.15 ) , got even closer to Welney at Yarmouth and has since won easily at Brighton .
30 In the 1960s , Hoover was looking to increase the output of its manufacturing plant closer to its capacity level and so intended to boost its sales in mainland Europe .
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