Example sentences of "spending [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 It would , however , be hard to justify spending £99.00 unless it is likely to get a great deal of use .
2 " We will be spending £26 billion over the next 10 years to put right years of neglect , and that includes investments in sewage works . "
3 I WAS amazed to read that the Government is spending £2.5 million to provide new factories and warehouses in Liverpool to offset the closure of the Camell Laird shipyard .
4 Government spending £250bn .
5 Only an eccentric would consider spending £1,000 on such a course for fun , and the company would probably refuse to accept such a trainee .
6 By the end of 1337 Edward had committed himself to spending £124,000 on his allies , and his parliamentary grants would bring in only about £38,000 a year .
7 The Department of the Environment confined itself to spending £175,000 on banners and other adornments along the Mall and in Trafalgar Square .
8 Edwardian plans to upgrade the 30-year-old Skyway from 3-star to 4-star deluxe , spending £15m on top of the purchase price .
9 It is extraordinary to describe the Government or Welsh Office as philistine when the Government are currently spending £21 million on the extension and development of the National Museum of Wales in Cardiff .
10 It is spending £25m to acquire 70% of state-owned Polish margarine and oils business SZPT Olmex .
11 Does the Prime Minister recognise that , because of privatisation , the water companies are spending £28 billion on improving water quality , including schemes in west Norfolk to upgrade drinking water and clean up our beaches ?
12 Shadow Education Secretary Ann Taylor accused the Government of cutting back on spending on school repairs but spending £6.8 million — almost three times its original budget — on education publicity .
13 Mr Murphy 's analysis of available earnings and spending data , including the Department of Employment 's most recent Family Expenditure Survey , is revealed in today 's Legal Action .
14 A director filming on location in a stadium was spending £20,000 per hour .
15 ‘ They are spending £20,000 or £30,000 updating the software , rather than £250,000 renewing the whole thing .
16 THE news cheered share dealers already celebrating the Government 's decision to defend the pound in the Exchange Rate Mechanism by spending £7.25 billion on Euro-currency ECUs .
17 BT has been spending £2bn a year on upgrading the country 's telecommunications networks and exchanges from analogue to digital , and it can now offer dial-up end-to-end digital connections to over 90% of UK businesses and almost as many private households .
18 Hewlett-Packard is reckoned to be spending $1,000m annually on the on-going development of its Precision Architecture RISC chip set .
19 Cellnet is said to be spending £3 million a week improving the cellular phone network , and until recently Racal was spending £2 million a week .
20 They showed no qualms in spending £3 billion in a futile attempt to prop up the Pound .
21 It seems to me that , if we are spending £3 million on training someone to fly a fast jet and if , when he leaves the force — there are a lot of people leaving before their time is up — he is not being used in the reserve forces , that is a tremendous waste of a national resource .
22 London Underground is spending £100,000 on research to find out why so many of us like to toss ourselves on the rails .
23 This year , we 're spending £100,000 on books — over three times more than when we opted out . ’
24 CHICKEN sales are expected to be at least double those of turkey this Easter and in an attempt to close the gap , the British Turkey Federation are spending £100,000 on a national press campaign stressing ‘ British turkey get 's everyone 's vote ’ .
25 The ABRC is now spending £100,000 a year on studies to support its own activities .
26 The ABRC is now spending £100,000 a year on studies to support its own activities .
27 Ferguson 's head would be even more surely on the block than if United continue their barren spell without him spending £5 million .
28 Sky are spending £5 million this month on a lavish advertising campaign in a bid to sell more dishes and win more armchair fans .
29 We pay lip service to that treaty and breach it by spending £10,000 million on Trident nuclear submarines that carry nuclear weapons .
30 Instead of increasing the flexibility of our defence forces by rectifying weaknesses in our conventional defences , the British government is spending £10 000 million on the Trident strategic missile system and is encouraging the US also to divert resources into dangerous non-essentials like cruise missiles .
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