Example sentences of "[unc] commitment to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 The Government 's commitment to the coal industry has been clear over the past 10 years or more ; they have also shown their commitment to a successful future for the industry .
32 That has been provided by the Government — by the taxpayer — and is a measure of the Government 's commitment to the industry .
33 One witness had disappeared , two more had been intimidated ; doubts were aroused about the ANC 's commitment to the rule of law .
34 Having succeeded to Britain 's traditional role as the maritime power , the US this century has inherited Britain 's commitment to the balance of power in Europe .
35 He added that the move did not lessen the company 's commitment to the North-East .
36 Sales and Marketing Director , Paul Pinsky emphasised the company 's commitment to the clay tiles market : ‘ Bedworth is one of the most advanced and sophisticated clay tile plants in the world .
37 Does not that answer prove that the past 13 years have been wasted years in terms of the Government 's commitment to the footwear industry ?
38 Mr Bates , a local school governor , is a supporter of the controversial Macmillan City Technology College in Middlesbrough and is fighting his campaign on four main issues : law and order , the Conservative Government 's ability to lead the country out of recession , the Prime Minister 's commitment to the health service and his expectation that Langbaurgh voters will reject the plans of other parties to set up a regional assembly .
39 Indeed Pascal 's commitment to the outsider would seem to entail that even if the possibility of God 's existence were extremely small , the choice of belief should be made .
40 The Conservative Party 's commitment to the environment is beyond doubt .
41 Further evidence of Volvo 's commitment to the environment is the CFC-free 850 and the use of life-cycle analysis to assess overall environmental impact .
42 This marks the Royal Mail 's commitment to the environment .
43 We welcome the fact that the Government 's commitment to the environment following publication of the White Paper : ‘ This Common Inheritance ’ has stimulated a full revision of PPG Note 4 on industrial development .
44 The Government 's commitment to the environment can have no credibility — I stress that I am talking about the Government , not the Minister — if the Prime Minister and the Chancellor do not think that the environment is important , even if lesser Ministers do .
45 Canadians were encouraged by Bush 's commitment to the environment and by his interest in Canada demonstrated so soon in his presidency and following the recent promulgation of the US-Canada free trade pact .
46 ‘ It shows how shallow the council 's commitment to the environment really is . ’
47 I hope this report gives you an insight into the Group 's commitment to the environment .
48 Whilst welcoming the agreement , the ANC questioned the government 's commitment to the amnesty , pointing out that although the UN stipulated unconditional amnesty for all political crimes , the government retained the exclusive prerogative to grant or refuse amnesty for crimes ranging from leaving the country illegally to murder .
49 Socialists differed among themselves over how far their party 's commitment to the Republic should go , some looking merely to strengthen ‘ bourgeois democracy ’ while others regarded the Republic as the anteroom to socialism .
50 Calling the deportation a sovereign act , Mr Capobianco said the move was ‘ a demonstration before the international community ’ of Bolivia 's commitment to the war against drugs .
51 The cruise and Pershing 11 weapons are also a visible symbol of the United States ' commitment to the defence of Europe .
52 Such diversity reflects the authors ' commitment to the post 70s feminist interest with the range and variegation of women 's experiences .
53 Sampson added that the gambling city 's ability to put on major events and Caesars ' commitment to the World Cup made it a logical choice over Orlando and Phoenix , the two other cities that had hoped to win .
54 In summary , increased polarization in workers ' commitment to the labour movement is associated with a fall in membership , but wage changes are ambiguous .
55 He said the decision to hold the meeting in North Wales demonstrated the Americans ' commitment to the area .
56 After his defeat Mr Taylor said he had given 100 per cent commitment to the seat .
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