Example sentences of "begins with " in BNC.

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1 This begins with the figure impinging powerfully from a distance , in this case as one walks into St Martin 's at Landshut , more powerfully than other things in the field of view .
2 The second session begins with a few limbering-up exercises and then goes immediately to the selection .
3 In metaphysics , the understanding of everything begins with mind , not with natural science , and modern philosophy 's flight from mind is a flight from reality .
4 The materialist versions of the CTP assume that there is a causal chain that begins with the perceived object and ends with the perception .
5 On the more favoured soil of America , where no medieval ruins bar the way , where history begins with the elements of modern bourgeois society as evolved in the seventeenth century , the working class passed through these two stages of development within ten months . ’
6 It begins with the ready position .
7 Every ballet must have a beginning because every ballet begins with a dancer or dancers making an entrance or being discovered on stage .
8 Every harvest dance begins with the workers circling the field before moving into a straight line and beginning to reap .
9 The fictional morphology of this suffering is more aptly suggested by the novelist and critic Akhsharumov , writing the very year Crime and Punishment appeared in hard covers , who observes that Raskolnikov 's mental torment , which is his punishment in all but its public aspect , begins with his first promptings towards the crime .
10 Personally , I reject the Oxford claim that English Literature begins with Anglo-Saxon , and would not make it a required subject .
11 This evening 's opening performance begins with the final of the first Olympic Star Spotters Championship , which aims to give riders of young horses the chance to test their potential stars .
12 The trouble with Paris Match begins with its premise .
13 But then the problem with a television tour of Europe is that it begins with the familiar .
14 Chapter One begins with allegations printed in one of the more respectable weekly magazines that do their best to ruin the reputation of everyone in the public eye .
15 Keegan 's classification begins with companies whose outlook and strategy is wholly domestic .
16 For SSP purposes the week always begins with Sunday .
17 A royalty examination usually begins with an analysis of royalty statements by the band 's accountant to see if there are any peculiarities which warrant further investigation .
18 The first article in the series which became the book demonstrated that Eliot 's definition of culture begins with the savage .
19 Undoubtedly it was going to be a beautiful day , a summer 's day such as is unequalled anywhere in the world but in the South of England , a day that begins with mists , burgeons into tropical glory and dies in blue and gold and stars .
20 It begins with John Helm of Yorkshire TV introducing the speakers : Helm : Right , gentlemen , we have n't won a championship title since 1967 , but both of you know the rules — three falls or one submission and any knockdown and the one still standing retires to a neutral corner .
21 A successful recipe , as Mrs Beeton advocated , begins with catching your Hare .
22 Six years later Harold Rosenberg , thinking of Pollock and praising him , wrote : ‘ The modern painter begins with nothingness .
23 Mr Mathew 's story begins with a death , that of his elder brother , Theobald , in July 1983 , who left a will stating that his £1 million estate should be split among his four younger brothers .
24 Our coverage begins with the biggest thing he did , then turns to the biggest thing he left undone .
25 The trouble begins with the consequent changes in antitrust laws and policy .
26 It occurred to Hobbes that since knowledge , whether systematically developed or not , begins with sense-perception , we should not pride ourselves on knowing much if we do not understand what sense-perception actually is .
27 Though true science , or ratiocinative knowledge , differs from experiential knowledge , it nevertheless begins with it .
28 The method of resolution , which begins with effects and seeks for causes , was traditionally called the ‘ method of discovery , invention , or investigation ’ ; so the direction or ‘ order of discovery ’ is from ‘ effects to causes ’ .
29 The method of resolution which begins with causes and demonstrates their consequent effects was called the ‘ method of proof or demonstration ’ ; so the direction or ‘ the order of proof or of things ’ goes ‘ from causes to effects ’ .
30 Like ‘ limited ’ particular science , general ‘ indefinite ’ science begins with the presentations of sense-experience , and with the analysis of composite wholes into parts .
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