Example sentences of "[unc] [conj] [pron] go into " in BNC.

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1 Er before we go into er , this next summary , have you any ideas yourself why Jesus came to the earth ?
2 Now then , I 've made , oh er before I go into the capital gains , er capital allowances you can claim a proportion of the capital allowances on a reducing balance , so er if a car for example costs you five thousand pounds , you 'd actually be allowed twenty five percent in the first year , the twenty five percent would be reduced from five thousand , and in the next year you 'd get twenty five percent off your balance until the five thousand pounds had been allowed against your profits .
3 obviously identifiable it 's a very effective one and also the structured thought patterns idea er before you go into something to actually sit down and prepare something er your thoughts in a developing from there er it 's a very simple thing to do but very effective .
4 and then er when you go into the room there was another big blanket .
5 and they also give you erm a suitable relaxant erm so you go into what 's called t twilight sleep .
6 And then you go through this door and it 's all old like things and then you go and see erm and you go into this place and it 's like telling you all the erm history and things like that
7 Now erm the , wh if we go into your , the , the health , your health situation how er when was the last time you saw the doctor ?
8 be before we go into that though
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