Example sentences of "[modal v] mean [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 AN ARTICLE in this magazine written by the editor must mean only one thing
2 Better contraception does not necessarily mean lower fertility , although it should mean less unwanted fertility .
3 This should mean more efficient working practices and savings in time and money .
4 That should mean more loyal customers ( and lower costs in getting and keeping them ) , less reliance on price discounting and higher profits from services which add more value .
5 If the Nottingham test proves as successful as the system seems to have worked in Florida , it could mean even better business for Marconi in Swindon who promise more jobs .
6 So busy yourself today and remember , making a really special effort today could mean even more success with the tape measure and the scales tomorrow morning .
7 In the late eighties , this could mean almost unlimited credit , in some cases the facility to borrow as much as four times their annual income to buy a house .
8 For Lord Waddington , kicked upstairs to the Lords in 1991 , a conversation with the PM could mean only one thing — another gentle shove away from the centre of power .
9 The zest and distinctiveness of The Wedding Present 's version could mean only one thing , a certain chart hit .
10 Surely , it could mean only one thing .
11 All of them knew that this could mean only one thing : Aenarion was going to draw the Sword of Khaine , take up the Widowmaker , to wield the ultimate and deadly weapon .
12 ‘ You 're right , ’ she said as she realised this could mean only one thing .
13 That could mean only one thing : he loved her .
14 And that if you open the doors to compensation whenever er this sort of thing arose , then th , this could mean very substantial expenditure for the Health Service .
15 Price fixing ( Geis 1967 ; Smith 1961 ) and illegal monopoly pricing ( Klass 1975 ) both mean that customers pay more than they would under competitive conditions ; bribing corrupt officials ( Braithwaite 1979b ; Jacoby , Nehemlis , and Ells 1977 ) may mean reducing competitors ' profit margins or even driving them into bankruptcy ; illegal mergers and take-overs and other shady financial manoeuvres may result in many shareholders being defrauded ( Hopkins 1980b ) ; misleading advertising as well as trimming production costs may result in customers buying goods whose quality fails totally to match manufacturers ' glossy claims , thus leaving a swindled consumer population ( Moffit 1976 ) ; corporate tax evasion and avoidance may mean more average taxes paid by individual members of the public ( Vanick 1977 ) .
16 The greatest possible self-created order , he wrote , compatible of course with the freedom to work , which may mean very little order indeed or may mean a great deal of order , depending on the individual and the circumstances .
17 This , in reality , may mean very long delays before an instrument is installed , if at all .
18 Poverty may mean very stringent criteria of eligibility for services , ADSS senior vice-president Denise Platt has said .
19 The fact that in these experiments there is no evidence for differentiation may mean only that differentiation produces less powerful effects than does mediation .
20 By ‘ political force ’ on the other hand I shall mean specifically political parties and movements , or tendencies within these , with explicitly shared objectives .
21 No point in admitting to the telephone call ; that would mean even less chance of prising anything out of Harris .
22 Devolution , either from county or district , would mean more local information and reporting back to the relevant authorities by the parish clerk and her assistant .
23 For some staff it would guarantee jobs for life , and it would mean more flexible shop floor working as well as the end to clocking on .
24 That would mean more wretched soya protein and oats .
25 Mr Fallon said the proposed assembly would mean all important decisions would be taken in Newcastle leaving Darlington with the rank of a parish council .
26 Miss Armstrong , 35 , felt the extra work would mean too much time away from her family in Scotland , a GMTV statement said .
27 The Conservatives have been right to warn voters that a Labour government would mean far higher tax increases than John Smith currently promises — either that , or Labour would not be able to improve benefits and services in the way people want .
28 The new complex will mean even more facilities for local women , under one roof .
29 That will mean much slimmer margins .
30 A PACKAGE of cuts which will mean around 40 job losses was approved by Middlesbrough Council at a meeting last night .
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