Example sentences of "[modal v] be applied [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 fertilizer application is becoming a high-tech activity with the introduction of the computerized N-Sure service advising farmers of the exact day that ‘ Nitram ’ should be applied for optimum crop production .
2 Planning elements ( for instance , what time-scales should be applied to new product development activities ? )
3 This Act referred primarily to private establishments but the same criteria should be applied to local authority homes .
4 It may be decided that different restrictions should be applied to different partners , particularly in relation to area restraints .
5 To be successful it should be applied in meticulous detail .
6 When issued , these standards must be applied to joined or repaired aquariums .
7 The criteria for discrimination are very variable and when European writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries at last began to realize ( perhaps inadvisedly ) that the word religion might be applied to other systems of thought besides Christianity this was one of the factors on which the classification of religions was based .
8 Subdivisions that might be applied to certain types of headings ( such as places , literatures , and so on ) are shown under key headings in the main list .
9 The research investigates the concepts of peacekeeping and peace enforcement as they might be applied to United Nations maritime operations .
10 Different interpretations might be applied to different organizations , but the basic information needs are the same .
11 It is nevertheless worth examining some more recent theories to see if they can suggest ways in which the implications of Brooke-Rose 's approach might be applied to novelistic texts .
12 There did not appear to be any certainty that the RHA would make capital gain out of the exercise , whether or not such gain might be applied for non-mental health purposes .
13 Local authorities , housing associations , community groups , government agencies , private developers and building societies were all represented at the launch , where they were told how Middlesbroughwrought experience and expertise could be applied to similar schemes nationwide , with the SkillBuilding social enterprise company offering guidance on planning , funding , construction and long-term management and also able to act as developer or sub-contractor .
14 The same kind of basic research continued after the war and provided the groundwork for endless discoveries which could be applied to peaceful ends .
15 Suddenly I realized that many of the techniques that Penrose and I had developed to prove singularities could be applied to black holes .
16 It seemed reasonable to suppose that such benefits could be applied to other districts of the city without necessarily designating housing improvement schemes .
17 Perhaps that principle could be applied to other opportunity areas .
18 My account of deixis is such that the methodology could be applied to other kinds of discourse , both literary and non-literary .
19 The principles of historical criticism could be applied to religious disciplines other than biblical ones , most notably to the development of doctrine .
20 For example , Prentky , in his book Creativity and Psychopathology , tabulates the probable psychiatric diagnoses that could be applied to certain eminent writers , artists , scientists and composers .
21 Possibly such ideas could be applied to fine tune aloof measurements by distinguishing between different regions of the image and applying weights .
22 But then ‘ it is difficult to see how analytical reason could be applied to dialectical reason and claim to establish it , if the two are defined by mutually exclusive characteristics ’ .
23 This volume , and volumes of readings on Environmental Geomorphology and Landscape Conservation ( Coates , 1972 , 1973 ) , have revitalized the scope and focus of geomorphology and the approach contained could be applied to physical geography as a whole .
24 Study Philippians 2:3–4 and state specifically how this passage may be applied to marital ( sexual ) relations .
25 Whereas the primary directions can be applied universally , the secondary may be applied to certain conditions or ailments .
26 Although cans have been considered here , the principle may be applied to other containers , eg milk cartons , soap powder boxes etc .
27 little use ; fresh leaf may be applied to aching joints in a warm poultice
28 Emission standards are designated for a large number of pollutants or combinations of pollutants and may be applied to individual or specific groups of emitters .
29 Derrida 's assertion is , of course , a summary of his thinking on language in general and may be applied to individual texts .
30 RSI , by the use of an infrared ( IR ) line scanner , microwave radiometer , radar scatterometer and two sophisticated versions of the familiar optical camera offered a complete range of airborne remote sensing techniques , particularly as they may be applied to natural resources management .
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