Example sentences of "[modal v] be describe [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 My standing with Harold Wilson began to go downhill in the 1970s , not on personal grounds but because of what might be described as political differences .
2 Investigators in a number of places have reported sociolinguistically salient variation affecting word-classes which might be described as phonolexical sets .
3 One of the salient features about this process is a phenomenon that might be described as endogenous economies of scale : more business is attracted to contracts with low bid-ask spreads ( i.e. high liquidity ) , and that attracts more market makers and more arbitrage and speculative activity on the exchange , and this increased competition drives down bid-ask spreads and so on in a virtuous circle .
4 Mrs thinks that that is best provided by two carers living in the house , each on duty for half the week , such carers being directly employed by the , by contrast Mrs says that an agency should provide a carer all the time from its available pool , she envisages that in practice three or four carers would share the work , they differ over the full number of hours care to be provided by hired carers , Mrs envisages seventeen hours a day in total , Mrs ten hours , again I emphasize that the artificiality of the working in precise number of hours , where you have somebody actually living in the house all the time and available to er carry out active care at any time , but of course carers are not always having to do things which might be described as active care .
5 And the character of those towns is also erm subject to pressure from development on what might be described as brown field sites and could adversely affect the character of those settlements themselves .
6 Only five courses could be described as general ones on Language in Education : the rest could be grouped with the specialist courses primarily geared towards the teaching of a language or towards literacy reported in response to Question 1.7. b
7 None of them , however , could be described as skilled swimmers .
8 Okay , so they 're unexpected can you thing of any , er , another kind of way of erm , other tasks that possibly could be described as reactive tasks ?
9 Indeed , her doubt could be described as wilful blindness .
10 And also , as a children 's programme , I was intent upon it containing basic factual information that could be described as educational- — or , at least , mind-opening for them .
11 We would welcome your comments on this position and particularly as to whether taking the vehicle home could be described as legitimate business reasons .
12 Not that it could be described as light reading ; there is a lot of heavily theoretical material within its pages .
13 What sort of terms in computer contracts could be described as innominate terms ?
14 The Schools Council Industry Project , now called the School Curriculum and Industry Partnership , could be described as school-focused curriculum development .
15 At best , she had what could be described as deuterocanonical status ; she was unquestionably outside the usual canon of poets , but occasionally she was rediscovered and even admired .
16 A Christian approach to economic life could be described in various ways .
17 The payments may be described in various ways , for example as interest , or as an amount payable on redemption : the manner in which the obligation is described is not relevant to the classification of the instrument .
18 It may be described in general terms as a duty which requires a partner to act openly , fairly and honestly in all partnership dealings and which prohibits his obtaining any private benefit at the expense of the firm .
19 This may be described in three-dimensional space by defects in crystalline order , by a para-crystalline array , by micro-crystals or clusters in an otherwise amorphous matrix , by " composite " models ( see Chap .
20 Thus , after two days in which a negotiated settlement to the original squabble seemed possible , an ultimatum to the Vietminh to clear out of Haiphong in two hours led to a bombardment which must have killed at least 1,000 people , many if not most of whom would be described as innocent civilians .
21 The protection referred to is the protection afforded by registration of a Notice , etc ( see above ) ; minor interests are in fact mainly what would be described as equitable interests in unregistered conveyancing .
22 The topic of dynamics is based on the concept that forces create movements which can be described as spatial changes within an all-controlling time domain .
23 There is little in the Outer Hebrides at the present time which can be described as natural woodland .
24 More accurately , the apathy and futility can be described as schizoid aloofness .
25 And if ‘ Archaos ’ was a flop does that mean the 1991 Dublin Theatre Festival can be described in similar terms ?
26 The assumption underlying the above argument that the system of numbers can be described in certain objective propositions , involving no references — implicit or explicit — to any judging subject , or subjects .
27 Discourse analysis deals with a more general speech style in which the different choices speakers make can be described in functional as well as formal terms .
28 I remember in particular the huge smile that he had on his face when the Government were defeated in a way which can be described in parliamentary terms as nothing short of absolutely remarkable .
29 The location of the perimeter of a square can be described by continuous lines .
30 The relationship between maternal age and the viability of offspring , as measured by the late fetal death ratio , can be described by concave — " U " , " J " , or reverse " J " shaped — curves .
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