Example sentences of "[modal v] appear to be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 That juries and courts should appear to be taking an increasingly lenient view of these acts of retribution is more disturbing again .
2 They may appear to be fainting , collapsing and suffering from shock , but in reality they can be none of these things .
3 Endeavours to explain to a child the reasons for the restraints put upon him , may appear to be setting too much store on his intelligence , but this will not necessarily be so , for there is much evidence that adult training of children is very often obstructive rather than progressive .
4 Circumstances may change , and he may no longer want the goods and services that he has ordered , or the seller may appear to be doing a poor job , and the buyer may have lost confidence in him .
5 But remember — the retailer may appear to be giving something away , but he 's in business to make sales .
6 The chances are that during the first eight or nine years you may appear to be treading water in the process of proving yourself .
7 FERRY companies ' efforts to boost passenger levels before the official opening of the Channel Tunnel next May appear to be paying off , according to new figures .
8 A group of Bengali mothers who attend their children 's primary school in East London to be helped towards an understanding of English language and the mysteries of local government administration might appear to be making an insignificant contribution to their children 's educational well being .
9 Although they do not seem to have been familiar with the work of Saussure , Wimsatt and Brooks here might appear to be approaching his principle that the meaning of words is purely conventional and arbitrary .
10 It was argued that this arrangement would make the scheme more popular both with contributors and with advocates of self-help , since contributors would appear to be financing their own benefits , whilst experiencing a form of training in saving .
11 It is clear that the lessons of ‘ 92 have not been learned and again Managers would appear to be telling Senior Management what they want to hear , rather than reflecting the real situation .
12 They actively seek to expand their influence and would appear to be aiming to cover most of west London … the group can be expected to continue in their attempts to undermine the police , but are unlikely to be successful except in conditions of widespread disorder , general strike , etc , when they might have a potential for destabilisation . ’
13 Of course , I am not suggesting that women should give in to biology ( perish the thought ) , but that PMS is not quite the pathological state that a few health experts would appear to be suggesting .
14 A Your dog would appear to be suffering from a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes which help to digest protein , fat and sugars .
15 Some area officers are concerned that the new common core would appear to be lengthening the total training period during which a trainee will need to be under close supervision .
16 Progressives and reformers never captured the movies ; they merely influenced them in a particular direction , a direction that the producers would appear to be following closely whereas in fact they were really using it for their own ends .
17 His team would appear to be playing their opponents in reverse of their ranking order .
18 His team would appear to be playing their opponents in reverse of their ranking order .
19 It is , perhaps inevitably , some way from the limb-flinging Jackson performances of old , during which , twisting into the microphone , Jackson 's body would appear to be making off in several directions at once .
20 The fact remains that we as a council if we wish to , can meet a proper prudent budget and the alternative proposals tonight , which is really the the er unfortunate ones which would appear to be going through , are really not recognisable , that this is not the time to impose additional council tax or anything else on the people of this city when generally speaking their personal finances are not at their best .
21 Professor Sir Roland Smith , chairman of the Sheffield-based company , said the UK had entered 1993 with lower interest rates and Government policy would appear to be placing greater emphasis on economic and business growth .
22 Greenfield , on the other hand , would appear to be arguing that only graphemes and not phonemes involve class abstractions .
23 Manuel would appear to be explaining to him forever and then Seve would seem to be replying forever .
24 Injections of " capital " from this source will probably differ wildly from one partner to the next and so , taking the generalised capital clause at its face value , adjustments to capital sharing ratios will appear to be taking place at annual intervals , whereas no change at all will have been intended by the partners .
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