Example sentences of "[modal v] also need to be " in BNC.

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1 The second demands that the child itself should be the focus of our attention , although other sides of the case may also need to be dealt with .
2 To these questions the following may also need to be added .
3 Sites suspected through documentary research or for some other reason may also need to be more precisely pinpointed before excavation can take place .
4 This base can be the rear seat rail , or another rail fitted above the seat , but if so , no more than 2in above the seat or it would also need to be curved to avoid discomfort .
5 In systems terms , there would also need to be mechanisms for taking control or corrective action based on defined measures of performance , related in this case to the effectiveness of education provision ( ie ensuring that the curriculum delivered meets the defined education requirements ) , and to the accurate provision of resources .
6 Sites would also need to be chosen so that , if wastes did escape , currents would not carry radioactive material too swiftly into zones of human activity .
7 After a week Eve realised that the Wise Woman would also need to be a canonised saint to adapt to the new surroundings .
8 There would also need to be higher rates of tax built on top of this sum .
9 Wealth held abroad would also need to be included .
10 The Commission 's role and in particular its implementing powers , would also need to be strengthened …
11 The front skid or main wheel will also need to be chocked , and an easy , effective way of doing this is to run the main wheel into a rut in the ground .
12 Answers to these will also need to be worked out and if possible these answers should be framed in such a way that the points you want to make can be slid in as well .
13 They will also need to be worn for phone-in programmes .
14 Well obviously Miss the magistrates will need to be satisfied there are grounds why they should bind him over they will also need to be satisfied that there is a fear for the future otherwise they will not bind him over .
15 They will also need to be satisfied that there is a fear for the future otherwise they will not bind him over .
16 The profession 's efforts will also need to be channelled into guiding management in developing sound information systems .
17 The terms and conditions inserted in this layout will also need to be uniform for each type of bill or related electronic message .
18 It will also need to be aware that concerns such as these expose a major limitation of the school-controlled model of INSET which Leeds , in common with other LEAs , has adopted , and which is reinforced by current government funding arrangements and LMS .
19 Thus : ( 1 ) the said Solicitors ' Publicity Code ( which is summarised in Chapter 12 ) was introduced in 1988 , revised in 1990 , and covers the whole field ; from the general ( solicitors may hold themselves out to be good , but not to be better than the other firm down the road ; publicity must be accurate and not mislead ; a solicitor 's advertisement must identify the solicitor by name ) to the particular ( the correct designation of a solicitor 's practice , entries in legal directories , addresses to the Court and the use of the legal aid logo ) ; ( 2 ) the Law Society 's code incorporates by reference the provisions of the British Code of Advertising Practice which in its own way requires publicity material to be honest , truthful and decent , unambiguous and responsible , and contains a separate section relating to the advertising of financial services and products ; ( 3 ) the Financial Services ( Conduct of Business ) Rules 1987 also cover the advertising of financial services and products and will need to be studied by any firm carrying on investment business ; ( 4 ) solicitors will also need to be familiar with the Consumer Credit ( Advertisements ) Regulations 1989 and other secondary legislation in that connection , the whole corpus replete with the jargon unique to that area of law ; ( 5 ) the Business Names Act 1985 , which has already been referred to in Chapter 1 , requires revision of a firm 's letterheading every time there is a change in the identity of the partners , which will include any occasion when a salaried partner whose name has previously been shown " below the line " is promoted .
20 Not only in this case will knowledge of the work itself be required , but the necessity for case management and monitoring will also need to be addressed ( see further Chapter 3 ) .
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