Example sentences of "[modal v] not [vb infin] [adv] enough " in BNC.

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1 It believes that audit committees and the obligatory rotation of audit partners may not go far enough to convince the public of their independence , and suggests that shareholders should be more involved in appointing auditors , determining the scope of the audit , and in the decision to obtain other services from the auditing firm .
2 If the terms of reference you have in mind are not precise , or if they are not explicitly stated , you may not go far enough in your investigations or you may stray outside the limits that your boss or client has in mind .
3 He said he was convinced the buses would continue to serve the estate but added the 20mph speed limit may not go far enough .
4 Fresh spring rhubarb makes a delectable jam or jelly , although the very early stalks may not have quite enough natural pectin to set properly .
5 When the life expectancies of the shrimps are short then most of those which start life as males may not survive long enough to become females .
6 ‘ You 'll not get near enough under his staff to use that , ’ he sneered .
7 Perhaps I am so preconditioned by tables that I could not reflect quickly enough that there are other ways of getting the answer .
8 ‘ The pencil could not go fast enough over the paper , so quickly changed the scenes . ’
9 He could not go fast enough now to satisfy him .
10 I could not move fast enough to support him .
11 The train was braking hard now , but Harry could not think fast enough .
12 Some of the earlier investors have found they could not adjust quickly enough ; others have been severely battered by innovative competitors but managed to fight back .
13 On the verandah of the plantation house Auguste Lepine heard the commotion in the compound but in the half-light could not see clearly enough to identify its cause .
14 Things became so bad for the Charles Bal later on in the evening that she had to spend the entire night tacking back and forth south east of Krakatoa , probably remaining within twenty kilometres of it — the ash-fall from the eruption was so thick that Captain Watson could not see well enough to steer away to safety , but ironically , the glare from the volcano provided a weird and somewhat improbable lighthouse .
15 Creggan could not turn fast enough to catch them before they dropped untidily into the safety of the trees below .
16 It could not come fast enough , though when we did arrive , as I said at the start , we were suddenly reluctant to go in : victims of a misplaced scepticism about the generosity of fellow climbers .
17 Next day the CBI 's director-general , John Banham , suggested the next cut could not come soon enough .
18 The end of the season could not come quickly enough .
19 The end of the season could not come quickly enough for Atkinson .
20 ‘ I 've never been so near to causing a dock strike , ’ says Chris , who adds : ‘ I could n't apologise quickly enough and I was forgiven .
21 Those two days could n't pass quickly enough .
22 ’ Gesner was caught and could n't think quickly enough how to veto Busacher 's choice .
23 You just could n't see far enough .
24 But there was no point in staying , as he could n't get near enough to' overhear their conversation .
25 And suddenly she could n't escape quickly enough .
26 Any attempt to frame a definition along these lines , however , would run aground because , although such a definition could be made fairly general , it would not discriminate sharply enough to provide a guarantee of hyponymy :
27 The baby saw it happening but could do nothing to stop it , its pudgy fingers would not close tightly enough to grasp the string … .
28 Even so there were times when the money just would not stretch far enough .
29 I ca n't stress strongly enough how much positive potential you have between now and mid-May .
30 I ca n't stress highly enough that , because of the heat build up , a fan should always be fitted to this type of setup .
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