Example sentences of "[modal v] be [det] kind [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There should be some kind of rubbish disposal facility and you need proper campsites for the trekkers , with camp wardens .
2 There should be some kind of civilian medal for this .
3 Consequently , there were counter-proposals that within the new organisation there still should be some kind of authoritative institution that would represent the interests of the participating states .
4 ‘ There should be some kind of effort at rolling Instead , we have had retrenchment , ’ he said .
5 One possibility propounded by a colleague is that there should be some kind of pay-back to the museums perhaps in the form of a levy for their help in identifying finds .
6 Is it not something that erm the literature group coming out of the erm the course have begun to tackle , you know , the idea that there should be some kind of coordinating personal body or something that erm
7 It is necessary that there should be some kind of previous relationship between the parties .
8 Because you should be told constantly , throughout the year , and there should be some kind of re-assessment .
9 It must be some kind of joke .
10 As I stared at her wondering what had caused the condition , I decided that it must be some kind of vitamin deficiency .
11 .. I do n't know what this is founded in , but I believe that there must be some kind of basic system of balance , where everything 's weighed up and when all the pain we 've created in the world gets salved because we live again .
12 Still , without returning on our tracks and urging the rigorist position ( that one must always do as much good as possible ) , there must be some kind of requirement that one do as little harm as possible , in terms of actual pain ( though not perhaps in terms of pleasure prevented ) in order to achieve the good one does .
13 ‘ He must be some kind of animal . ’
14 Mutis ' volumes began to come out only in 1954 , which must be some kind of record ; in this case the explanation was the various political vicissitudes of the century and a half following his death .
15 If you join someone else 's , you must be some kind of sadist . ’
16 That all fitted in with the theory that the reason for Luke 's non-appearance must be some kind of business disaster .
17 so it 's not a way of reaching people with a disability and , you know , that might be that kind of
18 Mr Litmus says it might be some kind of tribesman . ’
19 It looks like some kind of mollusc , but no mollusc fits easily into this pattern of growth ; various people have suggested it might be some kind of snail , or perhaps a monoplacophoran ( see p. 76 ) .
20 Such an expressed intention puts the book into the ‘ holistic ’ category and might alarm many scientists that what is to follow might be some kind of woolly metaphysical vagueness .
21 ‘ We ca n't have books because there might be some kind of secret coded messages written in them . ’
22 I had to admit that , given my experiences of the evening , it remained a logical possibility that there might be some kind of entity out there skulking in some dark corner of the Cathedral , but somehow I thought not .
23 I thought there might be some kind of cover-up .
24 He thought for a moment that it might be some kind of game , that their running would cease as suddenly as it had begun , that they 'd stand like statues on the sand , waiting for him to catch up with them .
25 ‘ We still have this idea that if we do something morally wrong , or what They said was wrong , there 'll be some kind of Divine Retribution , ’ said William .
26 ‘ You think it could be some kind of viral infection ? ’
27 There may be all kinds of professional practices which frail and inarticulate older people hate , but which , without support , they would be unable to articulate .
28 There may be some kind of sequencing to functions , some order in the way they follow another : request — refusal ; plea — offer and so on .
29 There may be some kind of notice on them that says , you know , these machines should not be switched and then everything would be switched off .
30 This is a complex notion in itself , because as Figure 2.1 suggests , there may be several kinds of boundaries , demarcated in different kinds of ways ; and the nature of the boundaries may be as much as institutional or professional as epistemological .
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