Example sentences of "[modal v] be [verb] according to " in BNC.

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1 Concern for task and concern for people should be balanced according to the needs of the situation , and the degree to which it favours a leader .
2 Charles saw the wisdom of maintaining local traditions of justice in the varied regions of his great realm , and gave instructions that cases should be heard according to regional laws .
3 That individuals and groups should be categorised according to identifiably different , phenotypical characteristics is essential to ‘ race ’ discourse .
4 The need for this clause was abrogated , however , with the passing of the SC Neronianum in AD 56 , for it provided that a legacy which was on technical grounds ( such as the one suggested ) invalid should be treated according to the interpretation applying to the most favourable kind of legacy , namely that per damnationem .
5 Magistrates ' court R v Holyhead Justices , Ex parte Rowlands ; QBD ( Mann LJ , Waterhouse J ) ; 31 Aug 1989 An objection to witness statements tendered by the prosecution being admitted in evidence should be made according to the procedure in s 102 of the Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 .
6 At the next European Council these draft texts should be finalized according to the guidelines worked out there and in keeping with the European Council 's conclusions of Oct. 27-28 , 1990 , recalling the UK reserve attached thereto [ when the Eleven agreed on January 1994 as the starting date for " stage two " of EMU — see p. 37783 ] .
7 Population levels , says the report , should be determined according to the condition of the deer 's ranges .
8 He is contradicted by Valens , a second-century Sabinian , who says that the praetor or arbiter will decide what skill should be taught according to the age , state , nature , and ability of the beneficiary .
9 The [ draft ] FRS requires that the maturity of debt should be assessed according to the earliest date on which the lender could demand repayment , taking account of facilities granted by the same lender which may permit the refinancing of the debt .
10 Homework should be differentiated according to the learners ' ability .
11 It is not suggested that each offence should be ranked according to the seriousness of its after-effects on the particular victim — although there is an argument for assuming that young victims will be particularly damaged by unwanted sexual experiences , and therefore for regarding such offences as more serious .
12 This is the story then , not of personal development against a colourful political background but of what it really means to live as a white person of conscience in a country whose rulers decree that individuals should be ranked according to the colour of their skin .
13 Mustill LJ continued : The authorities can no longer live together and … the reason lies in a collision between two ideas , logically and morally sustainable in themselves , but mutually inconsistent , about whether the unforeseen consequences of a wrongful act should be punished according to the intent [ Cunningham ] or the consequences [ Mowatt ] .
14 The length of your step should be tailored according to the distance you are away from your opponent .
15 Microwaves should be serviced according to the manufacturer 's instructions — usually about every five years .
16 They should be fed according to the manufacturer 's instructions .
17 The planning officer said they would be insisting that roller shutters should be painted according to the livery of the shop , particularly in conservation areas .
18 A key recommendation of the report is that polluters , such as sewage treatment plants , industry and farmers , should be charged according to the volume and polluting characteristics of their discharges .
19 We recommend , however , that all obstetric data should be analysed according to whether the patient is primiparous or multiparous .
20 The democratic principle must be that , where there can not be universal agreement , matters should be settled according to the will or wishes of the majority .
21 The Review accepts the general principle that persons should be judged according to the intrinsic quality of their driving rather than its consequences , but argues that the law should depart from this in cases where death is caused and the driver 's culpability is already high .
22 Schools ( perhaps excluding the new Technology Colleges ) should be judged according to academic criteria ; and these could be supplied , as they always have been , by the size of the sixth form and the number of entries to universities — that is , by A level results .
23 Those who preached the word of God , she maintained , should be judged according to the word of God , and punished the more severely if found wanting .
24 There is a long-running debate as to whether money for a national campaign should be allocated according to the proportions of a national rate card , or on an ‘ equal-impact ’ basis .
25 Reappraisal of Planning Permission — all existing permissions should be reassessed according to the same criteria as above , and authorities would have the power to rescind or modify them .
26 Saddam Hussein proposed on Aug. 12 that all Middle Eastern occupation issues , or " issues that have been depicted as occupation " , should be resolved according to one set of UN Security Council principles .
27 Soon afterwards Saddam Hussein restated his Aug. 12 initiative , which proposed that all Middle Eastern occupation issues should be resolved according to one set of UN Security Council principles [ see p. 37635 ] .
28 There are difficulties with the idea that convertible debt should be classified according to the probability of conversion , notably in specifying how the probability of conversion should be judged , whether convertible debt should be reclassified if the probability of conversion changes , and whether the interest on convertible debt which is not reported as a liability should be deducted in arriving at profit before taxation .
29 from sub-arterial to local should be classified according to function .
30 Every idol , he explained , must be constructed according to strict specifications as outlined in the Shipa Shastra , and based on the Tala system which is the measurement of the palm of the hand from the tip of the middle finger to the wrist .
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