Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] followed by [art] " in BNC.

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1 This should be followed by a separate section on how to set the system up in the first place and how to check that it is working properly .
2 This should be followed by a four year course in the Middle School
3 This should be followed by a job , and a person 's chances of getting a job would be enhanced by obtaining a recognised qualification .
4 OPT should be followed by a number in the range 0 to 7 .
5 Ideally , the Lecture/Demonstration should be followed by an Open Class to give the audience the opportunity to try for themselves .
6 Consultation on the Green Paper will continue until November , and should be followed by the drafting of proposed legislation .
7 The military government believed elections were imperative to accentuate consolidation of the rightists and that the elections should be followed by the extension of Koreanisation .
8 Searches by telephone do not carry any priority and in practice , therefore , they should be followed by the usual postal application in order to preserve the priority period whilst undertaking subsequent formalities .
9 The keyword LOAD should be followed by the name of the program file .
10 Jokes about the subject suggest the punch-line might be followed by the odd shattered knee cap .
11 It 'll be followed by a P54 , with seven different members , some possibly sampling this side of 1994 .
12 Yes it 'll be followed by a parish council meeting .
13 Its inquiry could be followed by a full-scale Monopolies and Mergers Commission probe .
14 This could be followed by a wider shot to take in the overall scene , showing the dazzling displays and hurrying shoppers .
15 The initial pact could be followed by a second for IBM to actually sell the software .
16 Meanwhile Hurd , who on Oct. 4 had sketched out the idea that an Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait could be followed by a Middle East peace conference involving all five permanent members of the UN Security Council , switched the emphasis of UK public policy towards a more threatening posture on Oct. 14 , asserting that Saddam Hussein 's " only choice is whether he leaves of his own free will or at the point of a gun " .
17 Organisers are staging another event at Moortown on September 6 and it could be followed by a World Over-80 's tournament .
18 The latest flu epidemic could be followed by an upsurge in the number of cases of meningitis .
19 If the offending animal or human does not back off , then this threatening behaviour may be followed by a lunge or charge and attack with the teeth .
20 The elation of witnessing birth may be followed by a sense of disorientation at being a displaced person .
21 To sum up this section , we can say that the first phrase of a theme may be followed by a second phrase to make a complete sentence , either through exact repetition , or by various degrees of change which can extend to the introduction of completely new material .
22 This may be followed by a visit or telephone call only if such follow up relates to the needs of the clients of the professional adviser , not the needs of the professional adviser itself .
23 That may be followed by a health and fitness check on new employees .
24 This may be followed by an account reference number ES/NS 1736()/N/164 .
25 In line with the programmes produced in the late 1970s , a brief contextual statement would be followed by a closer definition of the objectives to be pursued in the economic , social , environmental and housing areas , and the role to be played by various statutory authorities and the voluntary sector ( Birmingham City Council , 1987b ; Newcastle City Council , 1987 ) .
26 The cry of ‘ Put that light out ! ’ would be followed by a hasty adjustment of a black-out curtain .
27 This would be followed by a massive Sunday lunch , and then sleep all afternoon .
28 A list of good points about the authority would be followed by a list of bad points , then recommendations about problem areas and ways the force could help .
29 A young couple might well anticipate marriage in the complacent and deeply rooted assumption that a pregnancy would be followed by a regularisation of the tie , but in the new economic and social situation the irregularities of the economy might well snatch away the spouse .
30 A historical adventure would be followed by a science fiction tale , then by another historical , and so on .
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