Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [verb] [pron] hand " in BNC.

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1 Erm I mean I 'm concerned again through his eyesight that i were we to put him as the assistant and put him on a machine , that he might just put his hand somewhere and get his hand bloody trapped or whatever with his eyesight .
2 You might even try your hand at designing your own .
3 Although I do seem to remember a little scene after you 'd carelessly cut your hand at the fountain , when I mentioned a few more personal attributes that were to my liking . ’
4 Twenty-two goal Peacock is out of contract in the summer and though Boro boss Lennie Lawrence has made no approach , he could soon show his hand .
5 I could just see my hand when I held it out .
6 I ca n't tell anyone , she thought ; people would n't believe me , they 'd just pat my hand and give me tranquillizers .
7 Her sense of its deliberate concealment was overwhelmingly strong-it had been placed out of sight , but in a place where its owner could easily put his hand on it .
8 One such gillie , towards the end of his career , carried out his duties more by instinct than by reason : he had always been shortsighted , but , nearing retirement , he could hardly see his hand in front of his face .
9 Adult women could often turn their hand to more than one form of casual employment .
10 From time to time Rafiq would gently prise his hand free and stroke the boy 's hair , murmuring some soft endearment .
11 He would often hold her hand when they were at large gatherings : it was , one friend wrote , " very touching " .
12 Times when he would absentmindedly lay his hand on her shoulder , or stroke a wayward curl from her cheek .
13 In those days Madame would never stop him from drinking , would never put her hand out over his glass like a good or responsible woman is supposed to in such scenes ; Madame would give him the whole bottle , and say , quietly and sincerely , I hope you know what you 're doing .
14 Thingol , Luthien 's father , is so enraged that a mortal should dare to woo his daughter that he says he will only give her hand to Beren if he will wrest one of the Silmarils , or enchanted jewels , from the iron crown of the dark lord Margoth .
15 There is a mystic , psychic quality about them that is pleasantly disturbing , and often one of them will gently take my hand and gaze steadily into my eyes as if willing me better and I feel sort of honoured to be welcomed into their society .
16 No , I do n't mean punch the other person on the nose — apart from the fact that you will simply prolong or exacerbate the aggression , you will probably hurt your hand !
17 Try this simple test : if you can easily slide your hand under the small of your back , the bed is probably too firm , but if it 's difficult the bed is probably too soft
18 to put it on he can just put his hand behind it .
19 I can still see my hand
20 I mean I can still see my hand moving
21 A very thick hard rail , which you can hardly get your hand around , is often used in the mid-sections of a race board where speed is important , since when the board is sailed at a slight angle the thick rail digs in providing more lateral resistance and thereby helping the daggerboard .
22 You can hardly see your hand in front of your face and er I mean there was no way to fight the fire , so I mean all we could do was sort of stand back and look 'cos we were up There was about At that stage there was twenty or thirty of us standing in this north west corner of the platform .
23 She can also turn her hand to mending and spotting .
24 For the more adventurous , you can even try your hand at rock climbing in Going .
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