Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] have the effect " in BNC.

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1 Fruit juices contain natural sugars anyway , so added sugar may only have the effect of making your child expect oversweet drinks .
2 Secondly , the tests may produce inconclusive results , or expose some minor defects which may not have the effect of causing mental or physical handicap , but which may affect the child .
3 ‘ Maybe that would help the lower ranked people to have the motivation and to get eager , ’ she added , while acknowledging that might merely have the effect of less ambitious ones accepting good money for being relative failures .
4 It could also have the effect of suggesting to girls that activities society regards as ‘ male ’ are pleasurable and rewarding , and therefore encourage them to stay with the male-dominated subjects — science , technology and mathematics throughout secondary schooling .
5 It may also have the effect of precluding those members who can not find the time to attend a few workshops and may therefore strengthen management committees and their bureaux in the long run .
6 The concentration of development west of London along the M4 corridor may also have the effect of destabilising development within the region while , at a national level , it reinforces the dominance of the south east in the ‘ information economy ’ .
7 But for all that and all that there have been some interesting stirrings in the undergrowth which may well have the effect of concentrating the minds of the opposition party leaders .
8 If the British proportion were increased in the 1990s then this would only have the effect of bringing Britain into line with her industrial competitors and , presumably , investing for the future .
9 Unfortunately however , such a policy would also have the effect of increasing the already excessive prison population by an enormous extent .
10 This would also have the effect of gradually restoring house prices to a local market level , but without financial loss to existing owners .
11 It is worth noting that if the Sun were an oblate spheroid ( squashed at its poles ) , this would also have the effect of causing the orbit of Mercury to precess .
12 contribution rule , which the Government insist on retaining until 1 April 1993 ; but our new clause 17 would also have the effect of abolishing , as from 1 April 1992 , this 20 per cent .
13 This is of practical importance particularly in the case of closely held companies or wholly-owned subsidiaries where the conduct complained of may well have received unanimous shareholder assent , which would otherwise have the effect of regularising the transaction and hence preventing the liquidator from taking remedial action .
14 But stretch it very tight like a drum , or it will not have the effect of keeping out the cold .
15 In the latter case , it will meanwhile have the effect of turning literary study into something much closer to the sociology that Marxists have colonized in the modern academy .
16 This will also have the effect of increasing your metabolic rate ; in effect you will be able to eat much more yet not become fat .
17 The extension will also have the effect that the offences of theft and criminal deception will overlap and that conduct which under the present law is larceny by a trick and that which is obtaining by false pretences will be the same offence of criminal deception .
18 This will also have the effect of improving ENT care within Darlington and Teesdale .
19 Community legislation may be comprehensive without necessarily dealing with the precise point raised by the Member State , and may therefore have the effect of ‘ freezing ’ the situation .
20 The enlargement of the EEC to include Sweden , Finland , Austria and Switzerland can only have the effect of lowering the common denominator still further , and of weakening the position of those states which still have national interests to pursue in the world .
21 Register-shifting , while a possibility in certain sorts of text , is discouraged in academic texts because it can often have the effect of ironising your writing , something which is undesirable if you have to demonstrate clearly your knowledge and ideas .
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