Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] certainly have [be] " in BNC.

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1 Wherever the feather came from , it must almost certainly have been put in his room by someone who knew of his visit to the lake .
2 Krankoor must almost certainly have been another such .
3 The zoologist J. Cloudsley-Thompson concludes that dinosaurs ‘ must almost certainly have been homeothermic . ’
4 Better-heeled artificers must almost certainly have been master craftsmen employing labour themselves .
5 On Saturday morning the gates were closed early with thousands locked out , only for the whole day to be lost to the weather ; had just an hour or two 's play been possible there would almost certainly have been a result .
6 By the end of the second Test , Willey 's last nine Test innings had produced 90 runs , and , had he been caught when on 13 at Old Trafford , his Test days would almost certainly have been over ; as it was , his 62 not out there and his reputation as a battler persuaded the selectors to press on with him , and he justified their faith now .
7 He spent £9.14.6. , mostly on plants from Jacob von Haapens and Warner van de Blooms , probably nurserymen , and listed many more plants from Leyden , but these would almost certainly have been gifts .
8 Moreover , care orders have been obtained on the education ground without much difficulty , the courts often taking the view that if the child was not receiving a suitable education it was likely that the separate care and control test would almost certainly have been satisfied .
9 As Brian Davis points out , the new shed was necessary , as the main mill buildings were now over a century old , and would almost certainly have been unable to cope with the additional weight and vibration from the looms .
10 I might well never find out where it was , but it would certainly contain some pupils whom the teacher had chosen because she thought they were bright and co-operative and others would almost certainly have been excluded because of their uncooperativeness or lower intelligence .
11 Paul Craddock of the British Museum Research Laboratory has pointed out that the silver in metals used at Igbo Ukwu would almost certainly have been recovered by European and Arab smiths of the period , while the unusually low iron content suggests the copper was made by a very primitive technology .
12 The Jacobites had planned to follow the proclamation at Braemar by seizing Edinburgh Castle , which would have got the rebellion off to a flying start , for with the Castle gone the city would almost certainly have been captured .
13 It would almost certainly have been given the same support by the full House had it not been attached to a Bill to reform obscenity law , with which it had no clear or logical connection .
14 Since further complaints against him would almost certainly have been recorded , it is a fair guess that he took to the open life .
15 Even if there had been a ‘ yes ’ vote the idea would almost certainly have been scuppered by the Football Association .
16 Chief Insp John Cowman , who had five stitches in a face wound , said the driver would almost certainly have been killed .
17 At this point in the tale most readers would expect a tragi- heroic ending , and indeed in the hands of Rider Haggard or Masefield this would almost certainly have been the case .
18 For the Church of the fourth century , there would almost certainly have been some rueful and grudging admission that Constantine was a Messiah who had succeeded where Jesus had failed , and that the Messiah as represented by both Constantine and Jesus was indeed a military and political figure — not a god , but a king with a mandate to govern .
19 Such a guarantee , had it even been considered , would almost certainly have been worthless and , as the events which were unfolding were to prove , was totally beyond the abilities of the French command in Indo-China .
20 However , for anyone who knows what the expression the Derby means , it would almost certainly have been more informative to tag the time of utterance as Derby Day , 80 .
21 He expresses the opinion that had Miss Thomas arrived at hospital before 1.32 a.m. she would almost certainly have been saved .
22 If the train were late , then these passengers could repair to the hotel which would almost certainly have been provided near by to eat , drink , or rest .
23 A similar situation outside any other town would almost certainly have been used for such a purpose ; it would seem , therefore , that there was some special reason , at present unknown , why this land was not so used at Rochester .
24 Without his help , she knew that the Rose Bowl would almost certainly have been doomed .
25 Dr Lee has recently pointed out that although the resources which went into the exporting industries could have been channelled elsewhere , the return would almost certainly have been less : " An eighteenth-century economy without resource to trade would have been smaller , less diversified and must have generated less growth even than the modest rate of increase actually achieved . "
26 A lesser young man would almost certainly have been laughed at and called a big-head , but Michael had already shown us that , in spite of the clowning off set at work , he was a ‘ pro ’ , disciplined as well as talented , and quick as well as anxious to learn . ’
27 If he had been free to enter the leadership stakes immediately after our October election defeat , he would almost certainly have been elected .
28 Indeed so high was their reputation for self-denial in this respect that in the first years of the twentieth century the brothers Paul and Jules Cambon , French ambassadors in London and Berlin respectively , entrusted their private correspondence regularly to the British diplomatic bag rather than sending it through the French ministry of foreign affairs or the French post office : if either of these channels had been used it would almost certainly have been opened and read .
29 In this case , the majority decision was criticised as being wrong in law by the Law Commission , and would almost certainly have been found contrary to the European Convention had Thames Television possessed the spirit to appeal to Strasbourg .
30 DURHAM DALES Mr Tony Blair , who would almost certainly have been in Mr Kinnock 's cabinet , won Sedgefield with 1.71pc swing that gave him a increased majority of 14,859 .
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