Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [verb] be achieved " in BNC.

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1 It could have been provided as an additional barrier to odour , but this could only have been achieved by the use of waxed paper — as seen in the Lethieullier vault at Little Ilford , Essex — between the top of the sides of the coffin and the lid .
2 However , the overwhelming " yes " vote could only have been achieved with the additional support of the larger of the republic 's minority groups such as the Armenians ( 9 per cent of the population ) , Azerbaijanis ( 5 per cent ) and even the Russians ( 7.4 per cent ) .
3 Balance could only have been achieved by further devaluation of European currencies against the dollar .
4 The evolution of such a plant could not have been achieved at a single stroke .
5 The parity of esteem , demanded in 1944 between the different schools , was never achieved , and could not have been achieved , given the fundamentally Platonic attitude of politicians , teachers , and the general public , to say nothing of the universities .
6 Others suggested that their schools had an improved and more balanced curriculum , as a result of much more careful planning and prioritising , something which they felt could not have been achieved without devolution .
7 This is not because the necessary legal result could not have been achieved using a legacy , but presumably because the composite wording creates a presumption that a trust was intended .
8 As Bowers has pointed out , however , it must be questioned whether the same results could not have been achieved by a strictly enforced parking policy , given the lack of parking space .
9 But in spite of the multiplication of new basic research tools in the humanities , it is surprisingly difficult to point , in specific areas , to solid , uncontroverted gains to scholarship which could not have been achieved without the new technology .
10 All this could not have been achieved without Macintosh computers , but again , they were only the means to an end .
11 ‘ Zero incidents would have been better , ’ said Malcolm Hartley , the site safety adviser , ‘ and this is our target for 1993 , but only one incident throughout the year is extremely good news and could not have been achieved without the strong commitment for safe working shared by the site 's work-force ’ .
12 This success could not have been achieved without the dedication of all the Chairmen , voluntary Officers , Committee members and teachers who have worked so hard for the Society during those years .
13 However , even with this unpromising start , more could possibly have been achieved with a leadership less trapped in its own class origins .
14 ‘ The way he has transformed the Labour Party into a position of strength is something that could n't have been achieved by any other leader in our history , and not by any other Party member at the moment . ’
15 This obviously is n't to say that the same response would not have been achieved with a centesimal potency , it merely demonstrates the applicability of LM 's in an acute and the simplicity of repetition .
16 If this package had had to go through national parliaments , it would not have been achieved in a hundred years ! ’
17 First , it contributes through its very vagueness a richness of interpretation that would not have been achieved otherwise .
18 If they are not successfully concluded in the next few months a major objective of the single market will not have been achieved : far from becoming more internationally efficient and competitive , EC industry will fall further behind in a world of growing protectionism and trade blocs .
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