Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] control over the " in BNC.

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1 As feminists we must demand control over the planning process , in order to overcome the isolation of domestic activity and individualised childcare , and to achieve better conditions in the home .
2 Indeed , almost all commentators stress that for Type I systems to work , the health authority must have control over the destination of referrals .
3 Gaitskell now knew that there were practical limits to the extent to which the Government could exert control over the industry .
4 Through this chain of dependency , it is argued , the state could exercise control over the policies and practices of the Commercial Banks , and through them Japan 's leading firms .
5 Well , the immunologist from the clinic went in and evaluated Ron and basically told him that he had … that he was not going to live more than the most a few weeks , and he could have control over the time of his death if he wished , and that was his decision to make , and he should think about it and talk it over with me .
6 To a large extent , pupils would assume control over the learning process .
7 The HCR — the legislative assembly during the transition period — was to ensure the implementation of the decisions of the conference ; it would have control over the executive , and would supervise the drafting of constitutional texts .
8 Russia 's prime minister has managed to get two big coal mines back to work , but only after a promise that the Russian republic would get control over the mines .
9 I 'm very puzzled by this now so I ask for clarification , if it 's a long franchise then , if it 's a fifteen year franchise , are you saying that the franchisee will have control over the track ?
10 track , because it it , no other transport business er has er does has to have a business , which op owns both the track it 's operating on and the operating er facilities themselves , so the we 're not doing anything new here , what we are actually doing , and incidentally the German government and other governments are going down the same route now because it 's not true to say that others are n't privatizing , what we 're doing is saying that we are having a separate track authority , and there are a variety of reasons for that , er but the an and that means actually less investment by the franchisee himself , but he will have control over the th the track operations , because he will have a contract , with Rail Track , to deliver certain services , and if Rail Track does n't deliver them then he 's able to claim penalties so
11 This trust will maintain control over the investment and bonus strategy of the with-profits business .
12 Therefore monetarists have resorted to the claim that governments can exert control over the money stock if they are determined enough , and in so doing will bring about the desired effect on money incomes and prices .
13 Another reason is perhaps sheer incredulity that anyone can gain control over the systems of language and communication operating as a whole .
14 What is the difference , then , between teaching by machines and the teaching by a teacher in the classroom ? 1 The learner has no control over the teacher , but he can have control over the machine .
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