Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] taking " in BNC.

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1 I know that the problem is likely to recur once US forces pull out of the region but no one should lambast them for taking action now .
2 Parents with problem children should stop them from taking canned drinks , coloured squash , sweets , biscuits and cake for a week .
3 He paused , frowning while staring ahead at some of the other riders , then he said , ‘ Excuse me — I must stop them from taking the wrong track . ’
4 Only a man could say such cruel things , ’ and then , belatedly , remembering her manners , which her mama had so often told her she was always forgetting , ‘ But I must thank you for taking me in .
5 Right at this moment I 've awakened needs you thought you 'd buried , but in the cold light of morning you 'll blame me for taking advantage . ’
6 Nobody could blame her for taking life as seriously as she 'd had to , but the way to some kind of peace and personal balance would surely lie in the opportunity to stop running and relax a little .
7 Vietnam 's withdrawal is the best opportunity he will have to lead his country once more , but he may botch it by taking one political twist too many .
8 ‘ We want a pay deal now to solve all our problems and a formula which would prevent us from taking action in future , ’ a spokesman said .
9 ‘ We want a pay deal now to solve all our problems and a formula which would prevent us from taking action in future , ’ a spokesman said .
10 ‘ We want a pay deal now to solve all our problems and a formula which would prevent us from taking action in future . ’
11 ‘ We want a pay deal now to solve all our problems and a formula which would prevent us from taking action in future . ’
12 There are no provisions in the treaty that would exclude them from taking part in it .
13 Limitations on the output of the most efficient will prevent them from taking advantage of technology and size , thereby inhibiting further productivity gains .
14 However , some people believe it can prevent you from taking a more distanced and helpful approach .
15 And you can do it by taking one from t' other but more useful er , I would suggest , is to work out a planned performance or what I 've called a planned performance , er , this 'll be in your , in your notes as well , er which equals planned expenditure over planned er , income or allowance .
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