Example sentences of "[be] assumed that a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It can not simply be assumed that a parent who is present at the injury of their child has condoned it .
2 In a poll of Anglican Clergy undertaken in 1864 only 40% expressed the view that the damned would suffer everlasting torment ; it may be assumed that a poll of laity would have disclosed a substantially lower percentage.ii .
3 Neither can it be assumed that a wife who is denied sexual autonomy will cease cohabitation .
4 It may therefore be assumed that a manager is maintaining an adequate policy if the competitive position is being maintained and projections indicate that it is likely to be maintained in future .
5 that it can not be assumed that a paper print out of an electronic record from these systems is the same as the electronic version , on the grounds that the paper version does not bring with it the context that gives the information provenance and credibility .
6 In this respect gonorrhoea differs from the majority of other bacterial infections , for which it has always been assumed that a course of treatment lasting several days or even weeks is needed .
7 It is assumed that a text , or a film , is not something which has a set of meanings which can be extracted from it , but something whose meanings exist only because they are part of a wider social world ; people can find meanings only if their world shares some common meanings with that of the text .
8 Thus , it is assumed that a test of linguistic ability actually measures language as opposed to some other characteristic .
9 For the avoidance of doubt it is assumed that a church building presently exists on land owned by the church and that adjacent to that site is land that could be developed .
10 In Green and Porter 's model it is assumed that a firm 's choice of output can not be observed by another firm , and the sum of all outputs determines market price according to a demand function which is subject to unobservable random shocks .
11 It is assumed that a tribunal will not be willing to make an order for reinstatement or re-engagement .
12 It is assumed that a particular 's individuality , its numerical distinctness from any other existent , is ensured by the spatial location it happens to occupy at any given time .
13 It is assumed that a claim is limited to £5,000 , and so falls within the trial jurisdiction of the district judge , unless it is stated in the particulars that the claim is more .
14 It was assumed that a number of serving ministers from Hun Sen 's Cambodian People 's Party ( CPP , the new name chosen in October by what had been the Khmer People 's Revolutionary Party or KPRP ) would resign to make way for representatives of the monarchist Funcinpec Party led by Sihanouk 's son Norodom Ranaridh .
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