Example sentences of "[be] sent [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'm going to recommend to IMP that you 're sent back to the laboratory and they send us someone we know and trust !
2 Coleridge 's letter of 22 July 1797 to Tom Poole , asking that ‘ a fore quarter of Lamb ’ be sent over for the Alfoxden housewarming
3 By mutual consent they had n't eaten out , Ace arranging for meals to be sent up to the apartment from the Italian restaurant next door .
4 They are then sent to the Embassy maintained in the state of destination which conveys them to the External Affairs Ministry of that state , which will pass them over to its Ministry of Justice to be sent down to the appropriate local agency for delivery to the addressee .
5 Each horse had his own harness ; and if it could n't be spared to be sent down to the shop for repair , the horseman brought it himself , got it seen to and took it back ready for work on the next day .
6 Not much perhaps , but if you answer my questions I can arrange for a pardon to be sent down under the usual condition : that you abjure the realm .
7 There seems every possibility that Trev Proby will be sent down in the near future .
8 Later they told me that the examination had shown that I was not yet sixteen and that I was to be sent back on the next flight . ’
9 The simple translation is , first , that the 750m people in the countryside , including 90m who work in what amount to private factories , can not be sent back to the commune , however much China 's old-guard ideologues might wish .
10 If the word is too long ( i.e. longer than some upper bound ) then do not attempt correction , in which case the word might be sent back to the user to be re-written .
11 It could not be sent back to the original commission which was dominated by Lateran supporters , so a neatly balanced new one had to be constituted with Ottaviani and Bea as joint chairmen .
12 The Directive must be sent back to the drawing board .
13 This must be sent back to the returning officer by hand or by post so as to reach him before 9.00pm on polling day at local government elections and 10.00pm at parliamentary and European Parliament elections .
14 It stated that anyone who moved into a property valued at less that £10 a year could be sent back to the place where he or she was last legally settled if they were likely to become chargeable to the poor rates .
15 No beer or ale , victuals or food could be sent in to the Southwark gaol ‘ except as may be reasonable and expedient to prevent extravagance and luxury . ’
16 Perhaps the papers must be examined twice by two different examiners in different parts of the country ; the marks must be sent in to the central body by a certain date ; there may be not only scores of examination papers but hundreds , each of them containing the attempts of several questions .
17 We would be grateful if these could be sent in to the Office as soon as possible .
18 Your Final Invoice should be sent in with the completed claims form .
19 Even Egyptians , whose soldiers may well be sent in on the allies ' side , hate the spectacle of a fellow Muslim , a defier of Zionists , being shot up by America 's whizz-bang weaponry .
20 I trust you will look favourably on both these applications and on any others that may be sent in by the various organisations within the village .
21 Clarke was the luckiest player on earth not to be sent off for the clearest professional foul imaginable on Strachan after 69 minutes .
22 A sample of urine is usually needed either for simple testing in the clinic or to be sent off to the laboratory for more sophisticated tests .
23 Mr Annan 's idea is that these planners — civilians as well as military men — should not remain on their bottoms in New York but should be sent off to the field to implement the operations they planned .
24 Most staff return to the area office in mid-afternoon with samples to be sent off to the laboratory .
25 Well it will be sent off to the Secretary of State in theory he has twenty one days in practice I suspect it will be mid-January at least before we learn .
26 It has to be sent off to the Department of Health on the fourteenth of this month .
27 Ferguson became the first player to be sent off in the six-year reign of Scotland manager Andy Roxburgh .
28 A 1 million b/d ‘ strategic ’ pipeline had been installed so as to enable the southern fields ' production to be sent out via the northern pipeline system through Syria , or the reverse ; as it later proved , a sensible precaution .
29 The notice , which can be sent out with the dividend itself , must include the following particulars : ( i ) amounts realised from the sale of assets ; ( ii ) payments made by the trustee in the administration of the estate ; ( iii ) provision for unsettled claims and funds retained for particular purposes ; ( iv ) the total amount to be distributed and the rate of dividend ; and ( v ) whether , and if so when , any further dividend is expected to be declared ( r 11.6(2) ) .
30 Please send your nominations to the Office at Epsom by the 30th November 1984 — If necessary ballot forms will be sent out with the January Medau News .
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