Example sentences of "[be] often difficult [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 These assessments are often difficult to perform and involve complicated and dificult analyses .
2 Catalogues and directories are often difficult to trace and it may be more worthwhile to find some reliable programs through known sources .
3 Members of the health authority team set up to give advice on the ‘ physical , psychological , communication and mental health needs ’ of people with learning difficulties are often difficult to contact when support workers want to discuss problems relating to the women .
4 Circular temples are often difficult to identify unless they are clearly differentiated from their domestic counterparts .
5 The members of these death squads are often difficult to identify as they make a habit of killing anyone who witnesses their activities .
6 In such cases it may be often difficult to say whether he is intended to be an arbitrator or to exercise some function other than that of an arbitrator. borderline cases identified above ( 15.7.7 ) , particularly the reference to experts of general disputes ( 6.9 ) .
7 For the outsider , however , it 's often difficult to tell whether Dublin is undergoing a prolonged rock renaissance or simply wallowing in a lazy , hand-me-down hippiedom that outlived its sell by date everywhere else .
8 The receipt of such a bonus has an effect far outside the regular annual rise , which again in the case of ICI is a matter of such Byzantine complexity that it is often difficult to know whether one is getting a good or a bad one !
9 It is often difficult to establish if a site is liable to flooding and it can be easily overlooked during the site investigation .
10 While this approach might appear to be the treatment of choice for many adolescent self-poisoners , in practice , family therapy is often difficult to establish because of the reluctance of some family members to become involved .
11 It is often difficult to determine whether the SPR is reporting a failure in the software , a misunderstanding , or a failure in delivered instructions .
12 It is often difficult to determine whether the SPR is reporting a failure in the software , a misunderstanding , or a failure in delivered instructions .
13 The homology of a particular vein is often difficult to determine and resort has to be made to comparison with allied forms ( including fossils ) , which exhibit transitional stages in reduction , or to a study of the preceding tracheation .
14 And Mr Malik , who generally left the school , adopted such a histrionic attitude that it was often difficult to tell whether he was praising God or auditioning for him .
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