Example sentences of "[be] immediately [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Because any If okay the odd couple of neutrons did get through , they 'd split up an atom , three more neutrons come out and they 're immediately absorbed by the control rods .
2 I assure them that every extra basket of rice produced will be immediately sent to the countries in need .
3 This praise may be immediately followed by the giving of some other reward from the menu .
4 Custodians are expected to inform each other immediately when children are moved from one part of the country to another , and the child 's name should be immediately registered in the new locality , pending a case conference .
5 I do n't think the SNP is dishonest either in brushing aside the doubts raised as to whether Scotland would be immediately admitted to the European Community : it really believes there would be no difficulty .
6 But the art is in its infancy ; every scientific mind in Europe will be immediately directed towards the subject ; and we predict that ere long improvements will be suggested in the process , which will leave nothing to be desired , either in that or in any other respect . "
7 Worse , although Thornton knew that Hayling saw himself as a potential chief executive , he demanded that the business side of the paper be immediately put under the direction of ‘ an upfront businessman with a solid track record ’ .
8 Such a strike would be immediately attracted to the operation of the car battery .
9 The Court of Appeal in London ruled on April 27 , 1990 , that John McCann , Martina Shanahan and Finbar Cullen , known as the " Winchester Three " , should be immediately released from the prison sentence of 25 years imposed upon each of them at Winchester Crown Court in October 1988 , following their convictions on charges of conspiring to murder Tom King , the then Secretary of State for Northern Ireland .
10 This will be immediately preceded by the dispatch from the tail-gate of the aircraft of a ‘ wedge ’ , a platform containing up to a ton of stores .
11 Notification would be immediately passed to the UN Security Council and to the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) .
12 Erm I would think , by and large in practical terms erm they do not , I 'm immediately thinking of the erm er on the Derwent .
13 Digestion of the starch into its component glucose units takes place at the luminal surface of the gut epithelial cells , but these glucose units are immediately absorbed by the sodium ion/glucose cotransporter so that they do not contribute to the osmotic activity in the gut lumen .
14 Once a decision has been reached by the housing authority which gives rise to the temporary , the limited or the full housing duty , rights and obligations are immediately created in the field of private law .
15 As they descend , the female extrudes a few eggs which are immediately fertilised by the male 's sperms that have been discharged into the water at the same time .
16 There they are immediately employed by the ‘ youngster ’ in the formation of its new shell .
17 Huge numbers of the hatchlings are immediately eaten by the fish that swim in shoals around the reefs .
18 But the point is that there is no automatic mechanism to ensure that taxation , saving , and import flows are immediately returned to the domestic circular flow .
19 In desperation , in many cases , young females deliberately become pregnant because they know that once they are in that state they are immediately restored to the benefit system .
20 Perhaps there ought to be an intelligence extradition agreement that all defectors are immediately put on the first aircraft back home .
21 If you have assembled a no-name dinner , you are immediately consigned to the gastronomic gulag .
22 Governors need to know that savings remain with the school and that losses are immediately deducted from the next year 's budget total ; they must hold it important to understand the whole budget and grasp the concept of virement .
23 The emotions of hatred and jealousy are immediately superseded by the more primitive instinct of survival , and he begins to realise that all may yet be well if he can keep his head .
24 being immediately increased to the correct level .
25 While Edwards claims he has been encouraged by the response to his proposals from a National Trust officer who visited the site , his scheme — due to be put into effect next summer — were immediately condemned by the British Mountaineering Council 's general secretary Derek Walker .
26 A corduroy pair in livid crimson , they are horrid to behold but a joy to paint , and were immediately transferred to the canvas .
27 The paired hepatic and gall bladder bile samples thus collected were immediately transferred to the laboratory in sterile brown test tubes kept at 37°C .
28 Of the nearly 18,000 head of cattle imported through Colombo in 1901 , over sixty per cent were immediately sent to the slaughterhouse .
29 In consequence of that decision , rights and obligations were immediately created in the field of private law .
30 On the 24th June a small number of reinforcements had reached us and were immediately deployed to the Commando units facing the enemy .
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