Example sentences of "[be] thought to [be] the " in BNC.

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1 The moves to stem wildcat stoppages , condemned by unions and the Labour Party and the independent Industrial Society — are thought to be the first time ministers have sought to legislate against the individual .
2 In talking about what is good in the Protestant way of life , even evangelical Protestants go beyond theology and begin to list things that are thought to be the results of the right religion .
3 The C2s ( skilled workers to lower management , broadly ) are courted , flattered and endlessly solicited for their opinions , since they are thought to be the deciding factor in the election .
4 In days of yore , such places were spattered with the blood of sacrificial victims to ensure good fortune in battle , and dunters are thought to be the spirits of these unhappy people .
5 They are thought to be the Devil 's companions and to tempt men to death or illness by offering them bewitched foods .
6 The chemical scheme combines what are thought to be the most important O x , NO x , HO x , ClO x , BrO x , CHO x and SO x ( ref. 17 ) reactions with the recommended kinetic data .
7 For , as Giles Playfair rightly pointed out , when children under 16 are thought to be the victim of indecent assault , they would not , as could homosexuals under these proposals , be also treated as the culprits .
8 The Ainu people , a proto-Caucasian racial group driven ever further northwards by the ethnic Japanese , are thought to be the remnants of an earlier wave of immigrants .
9 These solutes are thought to be the origin of cements within the subsurface , either as quartz overgrowth cements ( e.g. Sibley & blatt , 1976 ) or as calcite cements .
10 The HAPCs are thought to be the manometric equivalent of the mass movements seen during radiological studies although not all HAPCs are associated with mass movements .
11 Pseudoaneurysms complicating pancreatitis are thought to be the most life threatening of all splanchnic artery aneurysms with death rate greater than 50% .
12 The word ‘ model ’ implies a physical description that does not attempt to be complete or accurate in detail but that encapsulates what are thought to be the central features of the phenomenon .
13 ( Meliaceae ) but durian seeds are so damaged that ground-walking animals are thought to be the principal effective agents possibly sun-bears , or even tigers .
14 They are thought to be the victims of fishermen , who blame them for meagre fish stocks .
15 They are thought to be the youngest children in modern times to face charges of murder .
16 You do n't have to believe in God in order to practise astronomy or to understand how the movement of the planets is regulated , as might have been thought to be the case before Isaac Newton 's time .
17 This might be thought to be the ulsterior motive surfacing ; but if so , it has to be balanced by Lewis 's unconquerable distaste for hymns ( not a markedly Protestant trait ) .
18 The most obvious reason why there is a greater concern with visual images than with the printed word may be thought to be the emergence of the new media — film , television and even the computer .
19 This may be thought to be the legal way to control force .
20 Beyond the brief : All three are prepared , indeed eager , to go beyond what might be thought to be the narrow design brief and comment on the nature and selection of the material they are asked to make attractive and intelligible on the page .
21 The Divisional Court , and the majority of their lordships in the House of Lords , were struck with what might be thought to be the obvious purpose of the Act , which was clearly passed with a view to assisting the police in the detection and prevention of crime .
22 In practice , moreover , treatments for such patients tend to be chosen empirically and worked through on a trial and error basis , whatever might be thought to be the underlying pathophysiology .
23 In the 15th century the town and its palace were thought to be the most beautiful in all Italy .
24 For 84% of the farms the practical type courses already provided by the ATB were thought to be the most suitable method of providing training .
25 But you , with Mr Attlee , were thought to be the most unworldly of post-war prime ministers on that .
26 Key variables were thought to be the size of the selected area , the population characteristics and the traffic structure .
27 Until recently , UVB rays were thought to be the only ones which caused serious sun damage .
28 The reasons behind the decision were thought to be the USA 's continuing doubts about the value and cost-effectiveness of FAO 's work and its dissatisfaction with the Director-General , Edward Saouma .
29 It 's thought to be the first time the species has been bred in captivity .
30 A former Ministry of Defence worker , has been found guilty of accepting one and a half million pounds in backhanders from arms companies , in what 's thought to be the biggest ever corruption case .
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