Example sentences of "[be] thought [prep] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Ethnic-minority children who are thought by their teachers to be having difficulties at school are being assessed with tests which are thought to be fundamentally flawed .
2 Humpbacks are thought to be mostly solitary creatures , though such songs indicate that close physical proximity is by no means necessary for social contact of a vocal nature .
3 The overwhelming majority of world favourites are large or very large in size , and most are thought to be either highly or relatively intelligent .
4 On the basis of data such as the following , younger mothers are thought to be particularly at risk .
5 President , the under twenty fives are thought to be particularly at risk .
6 The matter is further complicated by the fact that the disclosure letter will almost always say the disclosures are made by reference to the warranty to which they are thought to be most applicable , but they also apply to all warranties .
7 Although creeks are thought to be largely areas of non-deposition rather than areas of erosion , the scour of the tide along them may cause some lateral erosion and water draining at times of very high tides from areas behind the zone of creeks may plunge into the heads of the creeks and so cause a certain amount of headward erosion .
8 In both cases , the breccias are thought to be exclusively developed in the Z1 Carbonate , although it is possible that the upper part of the reservoir in Auk may represent a collapsed portion of the Z2 Carbonate .
9 Propagated contractions , which are thought to be predominantly under voluntary control , were detected more often in the proximal oesophagus whereas non-propagated contractions prevailed in the mid and distal esophagus .
10 It has not proved possible to determine the composition directly , which is difficult for a condensate , but the measured abundance of ammonia in the gaseous phase above the top of these clouds is about what would be expected were this ammonia in equilibrium with solid ammonia at the typical cloud top conditions of 0.5 bar and 148 K. There are thought to be relatively few breaks in the ammonia clouds , though the cloud tops need not be at the same altitude everywhere .
11 Many Rottweilers are thought to be too soft when young and encouraged forward , forward , forward , in their defensive instinct .
12 This Astra was stolen by 5 teenagers , some of whom are thought to be as young as 13 .
13 A development which starts from the humane desire to prevent severe handicap could lead to demands by parents for genetic interventions to produce traits which are thought to be culturally desirable , such as maleness and fair skin .
14 Some dogs are thought to be genetically susceptible to it , but diet always seems to get the blame .
15 Although government figures show adult illiteracy rates continuing to fall to below 30 per cent , the real rates are thought to be far higher than this .
16 The problems posed by authors changing their names are thought to be very limited .
17 The problems posed by authors changing their names are thought to be very limited .
18 The risks are thought to be very small : ( 1 ) because the balance of the natural environment is primarily controlled by the species already present which appear to operate to the detriment of new introductions ; and ( 2 ) because in new releases of microorganisms to date , all very closely monitored , there has been no evidence of any of them getting out of control or adversely affecting the environment .
19 So I think that er to put parental investment theory centre stage is more reliable and better than the rather old-fashioned biological approach which in talking about sex emphasise things like sex chromosomes and hormones , so that a sex chromosome in a mammal for instance was something that a male had but a female did n't and this gave rise to hormonal effects like those of testosterone erm which are thought to be very important .
20 Bank loans carrying fixed interest payments over specific periods , are thought to be more constraining in contrast to the flexibility gained by varying stockholders dividends in line with company performance .
21 One aspect is that particular laws are made because these are thought to be more commercially acceptable than others .
22 In addition to Praxis ' RS/6000 installer , versions for DEC 's Alpha AXP chip and Hewlett-Packard Co 's PA-RISC architecture are thought to be underway .
23 Nobody has counted science teachers for many years but there are thought to be about 30 000 , so 6000 more could be needed .
24 There are thought to be about three times as many species of insect as of all other kinds of animal put together .
25 There are thought to be less than 200 pairs of Barn Owls in the Thames and Chiltern area with 45 in Oxfordshire , 35 in Gloucestershire , 38 in Berkshire and 19 in Buckinghamshire .
26 It also helped in identifying important variables which had not previously been thought to be particularly interesting .
27 In order to change the understanding of women , or enlarge the conception as to what is to be considered authentically female , we should have to apply what have been thought to be characteristically male attributes to a female symbol .
28 Indeed , the theodicy question as to how one could ever use such texts as a medium through which to worship God may be thought to be even more insoluble than is Schüssler Fiorenza 's finding inspiration in the early Christian community .
29 Palatine consider themselves to be good employers , though their attitudes and practices might be thought to be slightly old-fashioned and paternalistic in that there is no measure of staff performance or formal mechanisms or procedures for staff management .
30 As yet there is no other body to undertake this task , and even tentative moves to remove the problem from the cell block and into the detoxification centre foundered in the entrepreneurial 1980s ; for there is little immediate profit to be made from reclamation of this kind of scrap material ( although the long-term value of a humanitarian return might be thought to be well worth pursuing in a civilized society ! ) .
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