Example sentences of "[be] brought in [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Somewhere , cowbells sounded ; the animals had been brought in for the night , maybe .
2 The gift was by way of an invitation for the Prince and Princess both to become patrons of the appeal ; it was the idea of professional fund-raiser Marion Allford , who had been brought in as the appeal director .
3 ‘ But , if the body had been brought in from the Met area , we would not necessarily have been alerted . ’
4 And in recent weeks it 's become a daily chore , as more and more birds have been brought in from the nearby Gloucester Sharpness canal .
5 There 's an image of fire on the screens and they 're piled up like a bonfire with er natural things that have been brought in from the outside , and there 's slide tape projections of the forest around the gallery .
6 Dana felt so sick , he went straight back to bed , but had been there only a few seconds before he leapt out with a scream of agony : an autumnal , sleepy wasp had been brought in by the chambermaid among the bedclothes which had been airing at the window and had stung my friend on the bottom !
7 He had been brought in by the conglomerate owners , Reed International , who were planning to float the Mirror Group off as a separate company and wanted someone to mastermind the move .
8 The shop had recently been taken over and the existing stock had been brought in by the previous owner .
9 I feel really angry I mean I 'm you might say because of my job that I I ought to be law abiding but I am a law abiding person and i like to think that I would go along with all all the laws because they are they are brought in for the benefit of all .
10 He should be brought in at the earliest stages to advise on venues — which would save time , money and frustration .
11 Eventually , he mentioned the present writer and suggested that I should be brought in on the matter as I had already knowledge of one or two other cases .
12 The Lord Llewellyn had expected them to act inside , but there was no way in which the pageant could be brought in through the doors .
13 Queen Margaret sat at the head of the cracked , dangerously shaky table whilst Catesby ordered benches to be brought in for the rest .
14 It will be interesting to see whether Japanese management practices likely to be brought in by the new top management will work in an environment where aggressive individual success , rather than collaborative teamwork has been the norm .
15 What a complete condemnation of the Thatcherite policies that were attempted to be brought in by the controlling group opposite .
16 Under new proposals expected to be brought in by the IAAF , starters are likely to lose their power as the final judges of what is a false start .
17 The profit per tonne in Aegina is falling , because trimming the trees and picking the nuts is a laborious business that modern workers can insist on being paid more for , and much of the water the trees need has to be brought in from the mainland .
18 Even so the sum of money Minton had donated was so large that drinkers had to be brought in from the street .
19 ‘ — a high quality of legal advice , experience and competence in conducting and managing cases of this sort ; — the greater likelihood that all potential plaintiffs would be brought in from the outset , assisting the conduct of the case and giving greater certainty to defendants ; — the co-ordinated organisation of claims , research , expert opinions and pre-trial procedures . ’
20 There 's a couple more to be brought in from the pack on the horse .
21 Great consternation was felt in banking circles , who felt they could be implicated , and less draconian measures to deal with the matter were brought in under the CJA 1988 , which allows the waiving of civil liabilities if banks inform the police of suspicions of fraud or drug trafficking in good faith .
22 These services were brought in with the May 1983 timetable to improve the range the Trans–Pennine trains on offer .
23 One of the one of the difficulties is that that that theatres up and down the country have faced over the last two years of the new target that were brought in with the eighty eight education act where schools were not allowed to make a charge it could only be a voluntary contribution now the council of Great Britain have looked at this it 's a problem cos of this decimated schools audiences .
24 Two additional changes ( also only relevant to joining a new scheme ) were brought in at the same time .
25 The directives were brought in at the beginning of the year in response to EC directives .
26 The Free Miners of the Forest of Dean were brought in to the general election campaign today , with a warning that their livelihoods could be ruined by imports of cheap foreign coal .
27 Northumbrian villages , though protected to some extent by castles and garrisons such as those at Carlisle , Naworth , Harbottle and Norham , tended to be built in a sort of miniature bailey around a large square green which could be gated when cattle were brought in for the night .
28 Both players were brought in for the last six weeks of the season as McHale began to look ahead to next season when the Seasiders hope to mount a serious promotion push .
29 ‘ Both were brought in from the garden — home grown — and never left the kitchen until Cook gave them to Edith for the table .
30 Silver , lead , copper , iron and mercury were the most important metals which were brought in from the mines some of which were owned by Ragusan merchants — in Bosnia , Serbia and Kosovo .
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