Example sentences of "[be] told that it [be] " in BNC.

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1 Because if you 're told that it 's going to get a maximum of three minutes air time , and if the interviewer wants to ask five questions , you think there are five topics that you would like to get in , to make five points , then do a bit of mathematics , and work out how long you think each answer should be .
2 We 're told that it is not a commercial fish to breed in large numbers and that it is species more suited for the specialist or advanced hobbyist .
3 And I am told that it is not advisable to use the same batch of acid for etching copper as has been used for etching zinc because the deposits of two metals in the acid creates erm an unpleasant , noxious , possibly poisonous gas and I do n't know what that would do .
4 Unpleasant symptoms are a lot easier to cope with if you know you have Whatsisname 's Syndrome than if you 've been told that it 's ‘ all in your mind ’ .
5 The new members have been told that it is unlikely they will get a refund , and they have decided not to take the issue further .
6 Since Rita has been sent to Coventry , she has not been told that it is physically possible for her to open up the incubator herself and put her hands in .
7 Islington could have saved its council and charge payers a great deal of money if it had just asked the advice of a local geography teacher and been told that it is better to go to France to learn French .
8 For example , if A tells B something in confidence and B ( without A 's permission ) passes the information on to C , who has not been told that it is confidential and the circumstances are such that an obligation of confidence can not be imputed to C , then C will be able to use the information freely although B himself can be prevented from using the information or divulging it further .
9 And she stared at it , glad to have been told that it was not good , for she could make nothing of it : it stood about five feet high , on a stone lump , and it had holes in it and stretching arms .
10 The question they had to answer was quite simple , and they had been told by the seneschal that he had been told that it was an empirical question , not a purely theoretical one , though he had also said he found this difficult to believe , as even the mysterious powers and forces which moved the Wars themselves could not control such absolutes .
11 Thus we are told that it is a ‘ good film ’ , is ‘ riveting viewing ’ and has ‘ excellent acting ’ but are never told what makes a film ‘ good ’ , why certain images are ‘ riveting ’ or what is ‘ excellent acting ’ .
12 If they ask for an explanation and are told that it is shooting at a wooden bird in the graveyard with bows and arrows , they may think they are being hoaxed .
13 We are told that it is the most flexible and fast-reacting source of aid , and that is exactly why we have pursued that route .
14 Participants in a television programme , for example , who are told that it is a " pilot " which will not be transmitted , can not be held responsible for defamatory statements they have made if it is subsequently screened at prime time .
15 If that fails to dissuade you , you will be told that it is not very nice : it is frightening and ghoulish .
16 Instead of pointing out the errors you may be told that it is very good but have been better in a darker wood !
17 But then I 'll be told that it 's not about him at all , in that silly sense .
18 exactly what it is , but th we should be told that it 's not a dirty thing , it 's not a bad thing .
19 Ask any caterer what sort of foods we make a beeline for and you 'll be told that it 's the fried things — fish in batter and double chips ; bacon and egg with fried bread ; burgers dripping in saturated fat ; bangers and more chips .
20 I think complaints about erm and it seems where we have the problem of our own making if you like with this improved road scheme we are installing traffic calming erm and er I think that to be told that it 's going to be left and looked at in relation to all the other er sites needing traffic calming is a little bit er
21 Students used to be told that it was dangerous to steepen the climb below 100 feet .
22 We do n't ask a Hollywood actor whether his latest blockbusting performance was fuelled by cocaine or booze ( though to be told that it was is mildly titillating ) , so why should we care how unorthodox were the preparations that preceded the athlete 's explosion off the blocks ?
23 I remember a terrific noise in the night , and thinking that a submarine must have got through after all , dashed into Pop 's cabin to be told that it was only coal being poured into the bunkers below decks !
24 It was new to them , but they did not need to be told that it was good and it raised their spirits .
25 She wanted to be comforted with closeness , to forget everything in such immediate intimacy , to be told that it was all right , that the world was real , and she had woken from a bad , bad dream …
26 If they were n't , and I 'm told that it was Babes In Toyland who were full of doughnuts , then what 's their excuse for sounding like this ?
27 ‘ We were told that it was going to be arranged for Barry to sing ‘ The White Cliffs of Dover ’ with Mrs Thatcher at the end of the show .
28 Sermons and prayers stressed the patience , humility and virtue of the English king : when people were exhorted to pray for the great expedition which Edward , together with the Black Prince and the duke of Lancaster , led to France in 1355 , they were told that it was setting out ‘ to procure peace ’ .
29 When we asked Russian officials whether the beef was having any impact on meat prices in Russia , we were told that it was not .
30 When that matter was put to the Home Office and the Department of the Environment , we were told that it was for the local authority to sort out the matter with the local police force .
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