Example sentences of "[be] concerned with [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the meantime , practitioners who are concerned with transactions in land will wish to be adequately informed as to the of impact of the new tax and of the pitfalls be associated with it .
2 Group members ' perceptions of expected behaviour are concerned with bits of behaviour ( ‘ Can I make jokes in this group ? ’ ) , rather than with the behaviour as a continuing phenomenon ( ‘ Do I have a sense of humour ? ’ ) .
3 While Tove Jansson 's world is founded on family and guests , many stories , particularly older ones , centre on same-sex relationships : The wind in the willows , Norman Lindsay 's The magic pudding , and Richmal Crompton 's William Brown stories are concerned with groups of males ( indeed The wind in the willows has a son of gentlemen 's club atmosphere ) .
4 Each major department has at its headquarters a group of 100 or so civil servants , from the grade of ‘ principal ’ up to ‘ permanent secretary ’ , who are concerned with decisions of a ‘ policy ’ kind , many of which require ministerial approval .
5 Since interactionists are concerned with definitions of situation and self , they are also concerned with the process by which those definitions are constructed .
6 For example , the definition of the judicial function may vary according to whether we are concerned with rules about contempt of court , absolute privilege in the law of defamation , judicial immunity from actions in tort , or the applicability of the rules of natural justice .
7 Recall from section 1.5.1 that these theories are concerned with innovations in production processes and products .
8 Often these feelings and beliefs lead people to claim to know God and to glimpse the transcendent ; sometimes they represent that striving and longing for perfection which characterizes human beings but always they are concerned with matters at the heart and root of existence .
9 But the more profiles are concerned with qualities of character and extra-curricular activities , the more intrusive of privacy they seem ; and , perhaps more relevant to the present enquiry , the less they have to do with the actual school curriculum .
10 In fact several new applications of waveform detection are concerned with aspects of static positioning , such as ministepping and damping of step responses .
11 Many tribunals are concerned with disputes between the citizen and authority in some form .
12 By contrast , industrial tribunals in the exercise of the unfair dismissal jurisdiction are concerned with disputes between employee and employer .
13 They are concerned with levels of service , quality of product , meeting budgets , cost improvement , productivity , motivating and rewarding staff , research and development and the long term viability of the undertaking .
14 Another way of putting this is to say that we are concerned with techniques for holding government accountable for what it does .
15 If we are concerned with concentrations of economic advantage and power , we can not neglect that small minority — Marx 's bourgeoisie — who monopolise the ownership of the means of production .
16 The sections below are concerned with heads of recoverable damage commonly encountered .
17 Where once biologists and biochemists had been concerned with questions about where and how cells got and used their energy , the new molecular biologists had a different language for what was important .
18 But then earlier laws had been concerned with tales about the monarchy , where this one related to the regent and the French .
19 Strasser said that the changes would give " a civilian face to the government , while the NPRC [ would ] be concerned with matters of nation-building " .
20 It clearly distorts the English concept of law if one says that they have , but there are scores of anthropological monographs which claim to be concerned with systems of " primitive " law .
21 IN this chapter we shall be concerned with phenomena in which the main role is played by the current of charged particles .
22 This may apply to a particular period or it may be concerned with changes over a long period of time .
23 Section 1 will be concerned with trends in real exports and imports , the importance of commodity trade within the general balance of payments , and the structure of this trade , both by area and by commodity composition .
24 Compliance systems appear to be concerned with victims in some aggregate rather than in a discrete or specific sense while penalty systems must deal with victims in the concrete since they constitute an element in their system of proof .
25 In addition , a section of this series will be concerned with examples of obstacles to learning .
26 The whole sequence , therefore , appears to be concerned with rescripts of Marcus Aurelius on the subject of trusts for public building .
27 The last part of this ‘ theoretical grounding ’ in Chapter 2 will be concerned with issues of understanding and in particular with the uses and potential abuses of realist epistemology ( Sayer , 1984 ) .
28 Most questions under IV.1 were concerned with trends in units described in Section 2 of the questionnaire .
29 Disputes , both before and after 1381 , were concerned with questions of rents to be paid and services to be performed , or with whether or not individuals were free men or villeins .
30 From 1976 the Panel or Board , and its parent Committee , were concerned with discussions about the future of management studies , providing advice to external examiners drawn from business and industry , extending CNAA influence in the field , and holding meetings for members who were involved in visits .
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