Example sentences of "[be] said to be a " in BNC.

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1 It has been said to be a fundamental contradiction in the Weberian model of bureaucracy .
2 The two witnesses are said to be a retired Swiss shopkeeper who had business dealings with Mr Ryan in the early 1970s , and a British businessman who had dealings with Mr Ryan in Libya .
3 Evenings in the Jones household are said to be a nightmare .
4 Its radiation emissions are said to be a severe health risk to local residents .
5 I wish it could be said to be a gain to the Faculty of Theology . ’
6 To that extent there may be said to be a mental element required for this variety of manslaughter , but it is a manifestly low mental element compared with the death which results .
7 Quite obviously the playwright has largely pre-empted negotiation of this kind ; also , a theatrical performance can hardly be said to be a social interaction in a normal sense as the actor 's concern is to describe to someone outside the interaction on stage — to the spectator .
8 The borderline between ritual and custom is a little blurred ; custom could be said to be a form of ritual that has lost many of its magical or religious overtones , but still retains some of the original intent to transform .
9 There are many alternative implementations of trie memory , in fact the 26-way tree just described could be said to be a type of trie .
10 One of the best known of all British sociological studies , Young and Willmott 's Family and Kinship in East London ( 1957 ) , could be said to be a community study , though it has a specific focus and is based mainly , though not entirely , on data collected through a social survey .
11 Descombes describes a comparable paradoxical structure in his account of ‘ originary delay ’ : a first event can not be the first event if it is the only event ; it can not be said to be a first until it is followed by a second , which then retrospectively constitutes it as the first — which means that its firstness hovers over it as its meaning without being identifiable with it as such .
12 By this definition , the question of what would count as a comprehensive health service could be said to be a polycentric one .
13 But how may this be said to be a Christology ?
14 When , however , its satisfactions depend upon the infliction of pain or damage upon an unwilling partner , the situation is again that of using a person as a mere object : the sadist ( or , sometimes , the masochist ) may genuinely be said to be a social and personal menace .
15 A psychological rationalization could be said to be a justification for a position , which is held for reasons not related to the justification .
16 X will be said to be a hyponym of Y ( and , by the same token , Y a superordinate of X ) if A is f(X) entails but is not entailed by A is f(Y) :
17 ‘ The case may be said to be a good example of the stringency with which the courts scrutinise transactions of guarantee entered into at the instance of a debtor who is likely to be in a position to exert influence on the surety and in circumstances in which the surety can derive no conceivable benefit from the transaction .
18 Indeed , it can be said to be a consequence , but also a cause , of the growth of the academic subject with which this book is concerned .
19 That can not be said to be a full description of reason within the disciplines , for they can not be sustained without values and judgement .
20 The Prince of Wales could hardly be said to be a good luck symbol at the moment .
21 There could be said to be a ‘ Structural crisis ’ for Europe over its position in the World in the immediate post-war period because it had become as Churchill said ‘ A rubble heap , a charnel house , a breeding ground of pestilence and hate ’ .
22 The existence of the debt can only be said to be a ‘ burden ’ if the government is constrained in its use of lump-sum taxes .
23 In the Hassan family , carpet manufacturing could be said to be a team effort where one loads , another weaves and another would then inspect .
24 The supporters of O M O V have put their arguments in what can only be said to be a ham-fisted and insulting way .
25 To the extent that Catholic Secondary School pupils have received the Sacraments of Initiation and are living in a community of faith , catechesis can validly be said to be a function of the Catholic School .
26 A market can be said to be a place where buyers and sellers meet to make an exchange of goods ( or services ) .
27 English has no dental or labiodental plosive phonemes , so in these cases , although there is clearly assimilation , there could not be said to be a substitution of one phoneme for another .
28 That is to say , Tolkien 's stories could be said to be an embodiment of that Northernness with which Lewis and Greeves had been in love since early adolescence .
29 From a socio-economic point of view , the low-input/low-output farm , which predominates especially , but not exclusively in the Mediterranean and upland regions , can be said to be an adaptation to the extremely difficult conditions under which it operates .
30 Since the unit almost certainly operated some Piper Cubs , it could loosely be said to be an airfield memorial !
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